Judicaël Bedouet wrote:
I have just tested with an other machine (a Fedora core 6). It's
better but it's a tricky thing : gcc version is 4.1 (g++ (GCC) 4.1.2
20070626 (Red Hat 4.1.2-13)). First machine is an XUbuntu.

The file main.cxx is yet marked as UNTESTED under CDash. So, I tried
with CMake 2.4-6, which is provided by Fedora, and with this version,
I can see the line which is not covered.

As soon as I can, I will download the lastest CVS version to see if
the UNTESTED problem is resolved but I can't understand why under
XUbuntu I can't have coverage results.

The problem is here:

Unknown line: [Lignes exécutées: 57.14% de 21]
Unknown line: [File « /usr/include/c++/4.2/iostream »]
Unknown line: [Lignes exécutées: 100.00% de 1]
Unknown line: [File « /home/xxxxxxxx/cvs/xxxxxxx/Key.h »]
Unknown line: [Lignes exécutées: 100.00% de 4]

Looks like it is the French that is messing things up...

CTest has some regex stuff to parse the output of gcov:

  std::string st2gcovOutputRex1 = "^File *[`'](.*)'$";
  std::string st2gcovOutputRex2
    = "Lines executed: *[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+% of [0-9]+$";
If none of those regex expressions are matched it does this:

    cmCTestLog(this->CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE,
          "Unknown line: [" << line->c_str() << "]" << std::endl);
        cont->Error ++;

Your gcov has be internationalized and is not talking French, CTest does not speak French. Is there an environment variable that can turn that off?

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