Brad King wrote:
Luis Ibanez wrote:

If you have got this to work in your local build, please feel free
to commit the changes to ITK. In that way we can test them early
enough before the release of ITK 3.10.


Brad for pointing me to this).  I'm using CMake 2.6.1 - I THINK its
supported in 2.4, but again, i didnt try.  Might be worth upgrading if
your going to try it.



Please do not commit.  This will break with CMake 2.4, and we do not yet
require 2.6 for ITK.  There are several things that need to be done to
make this a first class feature, and I'm planning to do them when we
decide to require CMake 2.6.



Hi Brad,

                  Thanks for the Warning !

How about we require CMake 2.6 for the upcoming release of ITK 3.10 ?

We missed to do that when releasing ITK 3.8
but, by now most Dashboard submissions are using CMake 2.6.


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