Bill, Well, Xcode certainly supports Fortran well enough with the Intel 10.1 preview compiler to successfully build and install software using Xcode, so I'm not sure what you mean by "doesn't support Fortran" unless it's dependency stuff. So if the Intel fortran compiler works (and I have an existence proof that it does), is it a simple matter of hacking the Xcode generator to "know" about the fortran language extensions and get the lastKnownSourceFile right? Presumably you would have to look at the source file properties as well to see if it is explicitly fortran. There are some debugging issues, but from what I've heard from Intel they plan to continue to work toward better Xcode integration, so... Best, Dick Munroe Michael Jackson wrote:

I can not comment on the Xcode stuff BUT have you tried to build your application using plain makefiles. I know it isn't as nice as an IDE BUT if it works with Makefiles then the problem is definitely one with Xcode project generation and not CMake in general.

Also, if you are not tied to Xcode AND makefiles will work for your needs then you can use Eclipse CDT instead of Xcode as an IDE. There is a CMake Wiki Entry for setting this up. Just presenting options.

Xcode does not support fortran.  There is some add-on that is not
supported by Apple, but it does not like the cmake generated Xcode files
for some reason.   If Xcode had real support for Fortran, CMake could be
made to work with it.


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