On Oct 16, 2008, at 8:08 PM, "Alan W. Irwin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 2008-10-16 18:08-0600 Eric (Brad) Lemings wrote:

Where can I find info/tutorials on adding support for new languages to

The following is pretty minimal, but I think this is all there is at the

Look at Modules/CMakeAddNewLanguage.txt in the CMake source tree. Pick a language you are familiar with and uses its support files in Modules and Modules/Platform as a template for your own work. You may also want to look at the CMake source code to confirm how CMake interacts with those various language support files. Ask for help on this mailing list when you run
into some difficulty.

Anyhow, the above steps were the method I used to put together my minimalist
CMake language support files for Ada at

Just out of curiosity, what language are you interested in supporting?

Thanks for the pointers.

Delphi and C#.  Laughable no doubt but important to my current work.

If anyone is aware of relevant "prior art", please post links!


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