On Friday 24 October 2008, Bram de Greve wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to build some library with vs2005 64bit using CMake.  This
> library uses some assembly and as the 64 bit mode of vs2005 doesn't support
> inline assembly, and external call to MASM is necessary.  However, I'm
> having troubles getting this working.
> I've googled on cmake + masm, but that wasn't of much help.

Yes, I think you're the first one who tries that.

> This is the custom build step I need to perform (copy pasted from a
> handcrafted solution file):
> ml64 -c -Zi "-Flfoobar.lst" "-FRfoobar.sbr" "-Fofoobar.obj" "foobar.asm"

Are -Fl and -FR necessary or does it also work without them ?

> In my CMakeLists.txt i have something like:
> enable_language(ASM)
> set_source_files_property(foobar.asm LANGUAGE ASM)
>     list(APPEND lass_SRCS ${sourcepath})
> add_library(mylib foobar.asm ...)
> The problems I'm facing are:
> 1. ml64 can't be found as assembler.  Though I can explicitly set its path
> using the advanced view
> 2. foobar.asm does not get any custom build step, nor any cmake rule
> Does you have some advance how to solve this issue, as it is a real
> showstopper ...

I'll have a look in the next days.

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