Hi John,

hi Werner,

thanks for your help so far.
I also googled and already tried the hint you mentioned, without effort.
So I'll go for the wxwidgets mailing list.

Thanks again for your help.

as Vadium wrote on the wxWidgets mailing list - try to put the winundef.h immediately after windows.h is included (since it works in Linux I wouldn't know where and why you included windows.h, search your files. Here is the corresponding FAQ entry (http://www.wxwidgets.org/docs/faqmsw.htm#asuffix ):

"Why do I get errors about FooBarA when I only use FooBar in my program?
If you get errors like

no matching function for call to 'wxDC::DrawTextA(const char[5], int, int)'

or similar ones for the other functions, i.e. the compiler error messages mention the function with the 'A' suffix while you didn't use it in your code, the explanation is that you had included <windows.h> header which redefines many symbols to have such suffix (or 'W' in the Unicode builds).

The fix is to either not include <windows.h> at all or include "wx/msw/ winundef.h" immediately after it. "



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Dr. Werner Smekal
Institut fuer Allgemeine Physik
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