Am Sunday 23 November 2008 10:35:03 schrieb Andreas Pakulat:
> On 23.11.08 11:24:23, Ioan Calin Borcoman wrote:
> > Would it be possible to add support for libtool in a cmake module? I
> > understand that this would be against cmake's policy of not depending
> > on external apps, but it could be a transient solution until full
> > fledged support for convenience libs is added into cmake.
> PS: What has been discussed (and afaik even requested via cmake's
> bugtracker) is to allow access to the actual created object files. That
> way you could have the same files included in >1 shared library and would
> still save the compilation time.

Yes. Something like a unlinked (virtual) library. Depending on it would not 
link that library but its object files. Shouldn't be that complicated but has 
its pitfalls: position independent code (PIC) is used for object going to a 
shared library but not for objects going to an executable or static library 
(unless you want to link the static library into a shared library).

OTOH: including the same objects into different libraries defeats the purpose 
of shared libraries.


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