Andreas Pakulat wrote:
This is Ok for building an executable, but linking a static lib into a
shared lib is completely unportable and not supported on all operating
systems that cmake supports. Thats why its not done.

Huh? I'm not aware of that as a limitation - you *do* need the objects in the static library to be position-independant or otherwise compiled as objects to go into a shared library.

I think Oscar is wrong here:

A convenience library works as an object file at link time: it is
included on the final executable as any other object file.

Or at least, that's an unnecessarily limited view. The terminology is debatable.

One way or another, it is useful to be able to assemble a collection of objects that are compiled for inclusion into a shared library, into 'something' that the linker can use to source symbols. The issue here is that the selection of compilation flags needs to be 'as if' making a shared library, and the processing after the elements are
compiled needs to be 'as if' creating a static library.


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