Hi Robert,

  I don¹t have any suggestions about the compile time unit tests, but we¹ve
been using the Google testing framework for the last 6 months and have been
very happy with it.  I wrote up some details related to ITK here:


You can have multiple tests embedded in one executable, which is what the
gtest framework does.

Best regards,

On 4/2/09 3:00 PM, "Robert Dailey" <rcdai...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Currently we have a directory called "test" under each project we have. Each
> source file (CPP) results in 1 unit test project being created. So if we have
> a project named "foobar", it would be structured like this on the filesystem:
> foobar/test/test1.cpp
> foobar/test/test2.cpp
> foobar/test/test3.cpp
> And the generated visual studio projects (when created via CMake) would be:
> foobar
> foobar_test1
> foobar_test2
> foobar_test3
> Obviously this creates a lot of clutter in the solution explorer window in
> Visual Studio. Is there a more recommended practice for structuring unit tests
> in CMake? Personal advice is also welcome. One approach I'd like to take is
> where we only have two projects:
> foobar
> foobar_test
> And inside foobar_test, all of the sources under the /test/ directory would be
> included, so a single project compiles all unit tests.
> foobar_test
>   test1.cpp
>   test2.cpp
>   test3.cpp
> However, the reason why I'm currently not doing this is because of
> compile-time unit testing. Basically, some unit tests are designed to be
> successful if they fail to compile. For example, perhaps certain template
> parameters do not meet the requirements of a specific C++ concept, and thus
> rightfully fail. This unit test would be considered successful because we want
> to make sure that ONLY types matching this specific concept are accepted by
> the compiler.
> If we include these source files in the same project, then it interrupts the
> whole compilation process. They have to be separate in order to work properly.
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Daniel Blezek, PhD
Medical Imaging Informatics Innovation Center

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E blezek.dan...@mayo.edu

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