On 05.05.09 08:28:12, Tyler Roscoe wrote:
> On Tue, May 05, 2009 at 03:05:31PM +0200, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > On 05.05.09 14:29:03, eblo...@free.fr wrote:
> > > I use a top CMakeLists.txt which looks like:
> > >   PROJECT (proj)
> > >   SET (subprojects mylib myapp)
> > >   FOREACH (prj ${subprojects})
> > >     ADD_SUBDIRECTORY (${prj} ${prj})
> > >   ENDFOREACH (prj)
> Doing in-source builds is generally considered a bad idea. Instead do
> something like:
>     ADD_SUBDIRECTORY (${prj} ${prj}/build)

Huh? That snippet above has absolutely nothing to do with in-source vs.
out-of-source builds. He simply accumulates all his subprojects in a
variable instead of listing each with its own add_subdirectory call.


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