On 05.05.09 22:06:01, Emmanuel Blot wrote:
>> But then the second parameter is completely superflous, it just adds
>> noise and confusion. If you use just add_directory(foo) cmake will
>> automatically use <builddir>/foo as builddir for foo.
> I don't remember when I've added it, but I *had* to add it at some  
> point: CMake was not working as expected before.
> Maybe it works fine w/o the second argument by now (2.6.4), but I'm sure 
> it uses to fail at some point last year.

This works just fine since at least CMake 2.4.6 (thats the earliest
version I know), for any subdir added via add_subdirectory that contains
a CMakeLists.txt there's a corresponding directory created in the build


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