Hi Scott,

There is actually a possibility to tell Visual C++ directly where the
DLL is located (by changing the PATH variable for one configuration
inside VS), but I don't remember right now how and I'm just on the
wrong OS right now to have a look.

Obviously I want to avoid having the developer manually editing the project that cmake has produced, so if such a feature exists, I'd like to track down how to make cmake spit it out for me.

Just for the records: Start Visual C++ and right click on the Project, then choose Properties. Go to Configuration Properties->Debugging. In the Textbox "Environment" enter something like:


So this would be independent of the system as long cmake takes care that all dlls are in this directory (and could be different for different configurations (debug/release)). So the only problem left is add this information to the project file, after cmake configuration stage - maybe cmake does that already? Alternatively, since the project file is a text file, you could just make these changes save it and find out what the differences between the the new file and the configured project file is. And add this differences after the cmake configuration stage to the project file with some clever script?


Once again, thanks for the quick response!

Scott C. Gray
Chief Technologist
ANTs Software, Inc.
Inventa Technologies, Inc.
(W) 856-914-5212
(C) 609-304-3429

Dr. Werner Smekal
Institut fuer Allgemeine Physik
Technische Universitaet Wien
Wiedner Hauptstr 8-10
A-1040 Wien

email: sme...@iap.tuwien.ac.at
web: http://www.iap.tuwien.ac.at/~smekal
phone: +43-(0)1-58801-13463 (office), +43-(0)1-58801-13469 (laboratory)
fax: +43-(0)1-58801-13499

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