On Sep 15, 2009, at 12:50 PM, David Cole wrote:

I believe the word used was "reproducible" not "reliable" -- and I think he was talking about the fact that it is not reproducible because it depends on human interaction. Other than the human sitting at the keyboard, I have found ccmake (and *all* of the cmake executables) to be quite reliable.

The thing that is confusing you about the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX value is something that it takes everyone a while to get their heads around... The *cached* value (that you see in the GUI) is not the same as the local variable value in the CMakeLists.txt file. When you use set(var "value") in a CMakeLists.txt file using a variable name that is also in the cache, you are only affecting the local value in the CMakeLists.txt file, not the cache value.

And when you print it out (and when CMake generates make files) it is the local value that matters, not the cached value that you see in the GUI.

Once you get your head around that concept, I think you'll find ccmake is quite reliable. :-)

Thanks, that does help. And you are right that the word was "reproducible" and not "reliable."

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