On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 12:52 PM, Brad King <brad.k...@kitware.com> wrote:

> Robert Dailey wrote:
>> The goal here is to try to build Xcode projects for building iPhone apps.
>> My CMake logic for producing projects is rather complex, which is why I am
>> hesitant to post it here. But basically I'm taking the exact path above and
>> passing it into add_executable like so:
>> add_executable( foobar MACOSX_BUNDLE
>> "/Users/imac/work/redsword/projects/foobar/mysource.mm
> Where is the CMakeLists.txt file containing this line?
> Perhaps "/Users/imac/work/redsword/CMakeLists.txt"?

That's where the root one is, and this root script has all of the meat that
the subdirectories call. This script is the one that has the functions that
call add_executable() with the absolute paths. However, the script *calling*
that function is in:


The version of xcode I'm using is the one that comes with the iPhone 3.1 SDK
installer. I don't know how to find out the version number of xcode on the
mac. I think it is xcode 3.1 though.
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