On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 2:48 PM, Robert Dailey <rcdai...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 1:43 PM, Brad King <brad.k...@kitware.com> wrote:
>> Robert Dailey wrote:
>>> My paths are correct. I'm passing in the correct absolute paths into
>>> add_executable. I think that cmake is using the current cmake file instead
>>> of using the one that the function call originated from. For example, I have
>>> two CMake scripts:
>>> /Users/imac/work/redsword/CMakeLists.txt
>>> /Users/imac/work/redsword/projects/Newton/CMakeLists.txt
>>> The former script is the one that has the function:
>>> function( define_project )
>>>  add_executable( .... )
>>> endfunction()
>>> And the latter script calls the define_project() function. Can anyone
>>> peek at the CMake source to see if this is indeed the case? Again, I'll try
>>> to find time to provide a reproducible test project.
>> By the time the Xcode generator writes the path, there is no
>> distinction between add_executable being called from the
>> CMakeLists.txt directly or through the function.  If you
>> message() out the path inside your function just before
>> or after add_executable, that is the path the generator will
>> see.  I expect it is correct, and the generator or Xcode
>> does something funny....especially since it works in VS.
> I've attached a test project that reproduces this issue. At the root "test"
> directory, create a new directory called 'build'. So you will have
> "test/build".
> cd into test/build and run:
> cmake -G "Xcode" ..
> This will generate an xcode project for you. Open that, and right click on
> main.cpp (which should be colored red because it is an invalid path) and
> click "Get Info". Look at the path. It's totally wrong.

Oh yeah, and I'm using Xcode v3.1.4
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