2009/9/22  <th....@gmx.de>:
>> >> We use CMake + Flex/Bison for our project
>> >> https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/certi
>> >> (install doc is here: http://www.nongnu.org/certi/certi_doc/index.html
>> >>  but there is not much to discover)
>> >>
>> >> We  did face the same "m4 not found" trouble and it has
>> >> been "fixed" by putting
>> >> C:/Programme/GnuWin32/bin
>> >> in the system PATH and restart (at least) Visual Studio.
>> >
>> > Does that work for you? Maybe I've done something wrong here. I'll try
>> that again on monday.
>> Yes it does.
> I have to revoke my last information. It does not work at least with a Visual 
> Studio 2003 Project. Here, the system PATH is ignored.
> When I use an nmake makefile on the visual studio command line promt, it 
> works fine - What is really kind of weird.
> Is there another way to tell visual studio where to search for programms?

I do no think it's necessary because we DO build CERTI (refered before)
using Gnuwin32 flex/bison/m4 with Visual Studio 2003 without trouble.

May be you have setup a particular option of Visual which makes it
"forget" the PATH?

I did not face the Visual Studio vs Nmake behaviour discrepancy,
but I'm really  not an expert in this area.

Did you try your build on another machine equipped with Visual Studio 2003?

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