On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 8:33 AM, Hendrik Sattler <p...@hendrik-sattler.de>wrote:

> Zitat von Philip Lowman <phi...@yhbt.com>:
>> AFAIK, this is possible with environment variables BISON_M4 or M4, see:
>>> http://osdir.com/ml/parsers.bison.bugs/2007-05/msg00012.html
>>> If that works, maybe the standard bison call should be replaced with a
>>> call
>>> to a cmake script that sets this variable correctly.
>> Excellent find!  I don't think add_custom_command supports adding
>> environment variables though..?
>> http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=9587
> That's why I suggested a cmake script that wraps it. This could actually be
> generalized by add_custom_command():
> If environment variables are needed, automatically wrap the command with a
> cmake script.
> Currently, you have to do that manually.

Ah, I understand what you're getting at now.  I'll add a script for this as
I've indicated in the bug report.

Philip Lowman
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