---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kevin Burge <kevin.bu...@systemware.com>
Date: Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: [CMake] Does 2.8.0 rc4 not have the ZERO_CHECK fix?
To: John Drescher <dresche...@gmail.com>

I had a possibly related problem according to Bill Hoffman (windows
frequently rebuilding targets).  I just switched back from 2.9
20091027 to 2.8 and it started building one of the targets
unnecessarily, but, I did not clean anything, I only re-ran cmake.

I just confirmed - if I "touch" my CMakeLists.txt in the root of my
tree, when I next run nmake it starts rebuilding my targets with 2.8.0

Now trying 2.9 20091027 the same exact way, to see if it does the same thing.

It is doing the same thing. :(  I misreported that 20091027 fixed my problem.

Here's what I'm doing, building in "bld" source is in "src".

* I remove all files in "bld"
* I run:

%HOMEDRIVE%\Progra~1\cmake2~1.9\bin\cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Debug"
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=C:/home/kevin/work/run/all -DSWI_BUILD_XDS=ON
-G "NMake Makefiles" ../src

* I run nmake

* I hit-ctrl C after it builds up to the 5th target or so (the first 3
are downloads, the next 2 are external builds via a custom external
build script somewhat adapted from ExternalProject)

* if I rerun nmake at this point, it starts building where it should
(on the fifth target)

* I open src\CMakeLists.txt add a byte, save, remove the byte, save.

* I run nmake again, then it starts building all the targets again
(after it reconfigures itself).

cmake is not in my path, and I've "sanitized" my PATH variable so it
basically only finds perl, ruby, VS2005, and windows system dirs (a
requirement for my build).

I've attached my Download script that mimics ExternalProject to some
degree (I do not do the touch ".....-done").

The first three targets are defined via (basically):

set (stamp_dir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}-stamp)
sw_add_external_library (${PROJECT_NAME}
  "${SWI_URL_PREFIX}/tsmapi/${_file}"            # URL of file to download

The second two are built by custom targets/commands also.

Anyways, maybe I'm just doing something wrong with my custom targets.
But, since it works fine on other platforms, it makes me think
something is broken on windows.  For the download code, that
"reconfigure" step is even deleting my stamp_dir altogether.  I have
no idea why.  I thought it might be because I wasn't explicitly
creating it.  But adding a make directory to the steps didn't help.


John Drescher wrote:

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 9:45 AM, Kevin Burge <kevin.bu...@systemware.com> wrote:


The fix for that is in 2.8.0 rc4. Are you still having this bug?


John M. Drescher
# NOTE: DOWNLOAD with LOG is broken (causes timeout reached error)
#    LOG log

if (AIX OR Solaris)
  # 280rc* crashes on these platforms using internal tar
  set (SWI_USE_INTERNAL_TAR "false" CACHE BOOL "Use internal tar")
else (AIX OR Solaris)
  set (SWI_USE_INTERNAL_TAR "true" CACHE BOOL "Use internal tar" FORCE)
endif (AIX OR Solaris)

  if (AIX)
    find_program(tar_EXECUTABLE gtar)
  elseif (UNIX)
    find_program(tar_EXECUTABLE tar)
  endif (AIX)

    message(FATAL_ERROR "suitable tar executable not found")

#  simple script to download a file from a URL and copy to the current
#  binary directory

function (sw_write_download_script _script _url)
  get_filename_component (filename "${_url}" NAME)
  set (dst "${SWI_DOWNLOAD_DIR}/${filename}")

  file(WRITE ${_script} "

  if (EXISTS ${dst})
    message(STATUS \"warning: ${dst} already exists!\")
  else (EXISTS ${dst})
    file (
      DOWNLOAD ${_url} ${dst}
      STATUS status
#      TIMEOUT 30
# cmake280rc3 has a bug where it's using a double for timeout and passing to
# long function. This is fixed in next release candidate.

    list(GET status 0 status_code)
    list(GET status 1 status_string)

    if(NOT status_code EQUAL 0)
      message(FATAL_ERROR \"error: downloading '${_url}'
        status_code: \${status_code}
        status_string: \${status_string}
        log: \${log}\"
    endif(NOT status_code EQUAL 0)
  endif (EXISTS ${dst})


endfunction (sw_write_download_script _script _url)

#  simple script to extract a file and delete it after successful
#  extraction

function (sw_write_extract_script _script _file _tarflags)
    file(WRITE ${_script} "

    execute_process (
      COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E tar ${_tarflags} ${_file}
      RESULT_VARIABLE status
      OUTPUT_VARIABLE output
      ERROR_VARIABLE output

    if(NOT status EQUAL 0)
      message(FATAL_ERROR \"error: extracting '${_file}'
        status: \${status}
        output: \${output}\"
    endif(NOT status EQUAL 0)

    file(REMOVE ${_file})
    file(WRITE ${_script} "

    execute_process (
      COMMAND ${tar_EXECUTABLE} ${_tarflags} ${_file}
      RESULT_VARIABLE status
      OUTPUT_VARIABLE output
      ERROR_VARIABLE output

    if(NOT status EQUAL 0)
      message(FATAL_ERROR \"error: extracting '${_file}'
        status: \${status}
        output: \${output}\"
    endif(NOT status EQUAL 0)

    file(REMOVE ${_file})
endfunction (sw_write_extract_script _script _file)

# define an external library to be downloaded and extracted

function (sw_add_external_library _name _url _stamp_dir)
  set (complete  ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_name}-complete)
  set (urlinfo   ${_stamp_dir}/${_name}-urlinfo.txt)
  set (download  ${_stamp_dir}/${_name}-download)
  set (extract   ${_stamp_dir}/${_name}-extract)
  set (args      ${ARGN})
  get_filename_component(filename "${_url}" NAME)

  if (args)
    set (post_script ${args})
    set (post ${_stamp_dir}/${_name}-post)
    set (final ${post})
  else ()
    set (final ${extract})
  endif ()

  add_custom_target (${_name} ALL DEPENDS ${complete})

  add_custom_command (
    OUTPUT   ${complete}
    COMMENT  ""
    COMMAND  ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${complete}
    DEPENDS  ${final}

  # complete target

  add_custom_command (APPEND
    OUTPUT  ${complete}
    DEPENDS ${download}

  # download target

  set(repository "external project URL")
  set(module "${_url}")
  set(tag "")

  # create the download script

  sw_write_download_script (${_stamp_dir}/download-${_name}.cmake "${_url}")

  add_custom_command (
    OUTPUT  ${download}
    COMMENT "Downloading '${_url}'"
    COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${_stamp_dir}/download-${_name}.cmake
    COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${download}
    DEPENDS ${urlinfo}

  # extract target

  sw_write_extract_script (${_stamp_dir}/extract-${_name}.cmake ${filename} xzf)

  add_custom_command (
    OUTPUT  ${extract}
    COMMENT "Extracting '${filename}'"
    COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${_stamp_dir}/extract-${_name}.cmake
    COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${extract}
    DEPENDS ${download}

  if (args)
    add_custom_command (
      OUTPUT  ${post}
      COMMENT "Post-extracting '${filename}'"
      COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${post_script}
      COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${post}
      DEPENDS ${extract}
  endif (args)
endfunction (sw_add_external_library _name _url _stamp_dir)
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