On 09/17/2010 12:04 PM, Chris Hillery wrote:
> The message() and file(REMOVE) commands will be executed when you run CMake.
> The command to generate the .cpp file won't be executed until you run make.
> That's why it's still around after you're done.
> You can't really do exactly what you want here very easily; you'd need to
> have a separate custom command to delete the file after the build is
> complete, and I'm not sure how to set up the dependencies to automate that
> for you.

You can use ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND()'s TARGET signature and POST_BUILD option:

    OUTPUT main.c
    COMMAND echo "int main(void){return 0;}" > main.c
ADD_EXECUTABLE(main main.c)
    TARGET main
    COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove main.c)

This removes main.c right after main has been built.



> Why do you want this? Wouldn't it make more sense to generate the source
> file into the binary directory and just leave it there? Your
> add_custom_command() and list(APPEND SRCS) steps below will do this if you
> just change the OUTPUT to "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/SourceFileInfo.cpp".
> This would have the added benefit of not forcing a rebuild of
> SourceFileInfo.o every time you run "make".
> Ceej
> aka Chris Hillery
> On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 2:53 AM, David Aldrich 
> <david.aldr...@eu.nec.com>wrote:
>>  Hi
>> I want to generate a source file ‘SourceFileInfo.cpp’, then build a library
>> and then delete the generated file.
>> So I wrote:
>> <snip>
>> add_custom_command (
>>   OUTPUT SourceFileInfo.cpp
>>   COMMAND ../VersionInfo/_gnuRelease/versionInfo . KERNEL
>>   COMMENT "Generating SourceFileInfo.cpp"
>> list(APPEND SRCS SourceFileInfo.cpp)
>> add_library( Kernel STATIC ${SRCS} )
>> message("Removing file")
>> file( REMOVE SourceFileInfo.cpp )
>> But the message ‘Removing file’ appears as the first action when executing
>> make and the file remains after make has finished.
>> I guess that one can’t interpret a CMakeLists.txt file sequentially, just
>> like you can’t interpret a makefile sequentially.
>> What am I doing wrong?
>> Where can I find an explanation of CMake command ordering?
>> Best regards
>> David
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