2011/1/27 Alexander Neundorf <a.neundorf-w...@gmx.net>:
> On Thursday 27 January 2011, SF Markus Elfring wrote:
>> > That's it currently.
>> Is it possible that a field or attribute can specify a format identifier
>> (in the near future)?
> AFAIK nothing is planned.
> With "sounds doable" I meant that this looks like a nice task which can be
> done without knowing a lot of the internals of cmake by somebody who has just
> a little time to spend (like e.g. me or others here on the list).

May be using something reStructuredText would be nice:

It has the advantage to be readable and contains basic "text" markup.
I don't know if there is some rst2html lib that oculd be incorporated
into cmake code
in order to handle the "cmake --help-html" case but at least it is easy to
use it inside plain text string.

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