Hi list,
I've just recently became a CMake user and I'm really glad such a powerfull tool is available.

I've used CMake with KDevelop so far but I'd really like to change to Eclipse.

I've found that the Eclipse generator is not working properly and I wrote myself a simple fix after some hours googling for solutions:

cmake -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .
awk -vRS="</link>"  '{gsub(/<link>.*/,"") }1' .project > .project-new
mv -f .project-new .project

Someone wrote about a bug with CMake 2.8.5 that was generating a few wrong tags when exporting to Eclipse. The code above is just a shell script with awk to remove the wrong tags.

Is this already fixed on CMake 2.8.6? I'm using kubuntu 11.10 and the CMake version in the repository is 2.8.5.

Thanks for an incredible software.

Mauricio C. M. de Paulo
Engenheiro Cartógrafo
Mestrando em Sensoriamento Remoto (INPE)


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