On Monday 21 November 2011, Mauricio de Paulo wrote:
> Hi Alexander, thanks for the quick reply!
> As far as I've read, the problem is with the <linkedResources> tag. The
> workaround I wrote just removes the <link> inside it.
> I've downloaded cmake 2.8.6, removed 2.8.5 packaged, and tested it with
> the same results. I'm afraid the problem persists. Is this tag doing
> what it's suposed to do? My project is pretty simple, just a few cpps
> and one link target.
> I haven't tested out source builds with the tag removed, but I think the
> workaround might solve this too.
> I'm attaching the .project generated with the command bellow:
> cmake -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .

Which version of Eclipse are you using, something before Helios ?

The virtual linked resources are new since Eclipse 3.6 Helios. I wasn't aware 
of that.

The next cmake release (i.e. 2.8.7) will try to recognize the Eclipse version, 
and only create those links if Eclipse is new enough.
If it can't find the eclipse executable and so can't determine the version, it 
will assume 3.6 or newer. If this is wrong, you can adjust it by setting the 
CMAKE_ECLIPSE_VERSION variable via cmake-gui.

This is already in the current git master branch of cmake.


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