When I tried with one of my larger projects the first no-op build after a full build took something between 20 and 30 seconds but no-op builds after that were below a second.

I'm not really sure what would cause this (I guess disk or filesystem caching?).


On 09/24/2012 10:42 AM, Peter Kümmel wrote:
On 23.09.2012 15:04, Wouter van Kleunen wrote:

I had the following idea to speed up the building even more, if a tool
can be build in ninja to list all files that need to be stat when
building  a project. These files can be monitored by qtcreator and later
be provided as input again to ninja. So my idea works as follows:

1. Build project using cmake + ninja
2. Get file list of all dependencies by using ninja (something like
ninja -t deplist).
3. Monitor the files using qt creator + qfilesystemwatcher

When the user requests a rebuild:
4. Execute a ninja build command + provide the list of changed files.
This way ninja won't have to stat any file.
5. Ninja builds

Is this feasible ?

I assume Qt Creator does it this way for qbs.
But for ninja this would be too much work.

You think even ninja is too slow?


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Nils Gladitz, B.Sc.
DICOM, Konnektivität und Entwicklung

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