Q: What makes you think there is a problem in Tests/CMakeLists.txt?
A: Certainly the "problem" could exist in any of the myriad of files that get 
processed as a result of the Tests/CMakeLists.txt file, but I base my 
hypothesis on the following MESSAGE statements which I added to the main 
CMakeLists.txt file:

MESSAGE( STATUS "CMAKELISTS.TXT   Marker 17  add_subdirectory(Tests)" )


And when I execute the configure script (or manually execute the equivalent 
CMake execution at the tail end of the bootstrap) I see the following:

-- Marker 16g add_subdirectory(Utilities)
-- CMAKELISTS.TXT   Marker 17  add_subdirectory(Tests)  

And NEVER see the "CMAKELISTS.TXT   Marker 18") appear in the output... so it 
"enters" the statement:


on a "one-way ticket" (meaning it appears to never return to the 
parsing/calling CMakeLists.txt file)

> Does anyone know where (specifically) I should investigate to 
> determine where the Makefile itself should get generated?
What files are generated in the build tree?

For the moment skipping this question in lieu of pursuing your suggestion of 
the results of using the bootstrapped CMake to configure a simple project 
further (below)

The toplevel makefile is created here:
void cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3::WriteMainCMakefile()

But there are lots of other files that get created.

One thing you could try is to use the bootstrapped cmake to configure a more 
simple project.  Something like:

add_library(foo foo.c)
foo.c can be an empty file.

Does the bootstrapped cmake work on that project?

Initially I feared that I would have to answer "No", but after some further 
excavation I did make some significant progress (which probably also reveals 
some things that still, not surprisingly, need more tweaking).

CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
Parse error.  Expected a newline, got identifier with text "add_library".
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
ITAN1* d

Directory JAY:[cmake]

CMakeCache.txt;1    CMakeFiles.DIR;1    cmakelists.txt;5    foo.c;1

After beating my head on the desk for a while... I finally decided to beat the 
cmakelists.txt file instead (force the file structure on the file - thank you 
OpenVMS for defaulting to CRLF) and after that I managed to get the following 

ITAN1* ty *.*


add_library(foo foo.c)



  printf("Hello World");

I did try my level-headed best to get this to work from the OpenVMS DCL prompt 
directly, but (at the moment) without success.  That said... from the GNV Bash 
prompt I did (with some additional switch definitions) get it to generate the 

So taking my simple "hello world" project files and copying them to a clean 

ITAN1* create/dir jay:[cmake_simple_test]
ITAN1* copy foo.c,cmakelists.txt jay:[cmake_simple_test]/log
%COPY-S-COPIED, JAY:[cmake]foo.c;3 copied to JAY:[cmake_simple_test]foo.c;3 (1 
%COPY-S-COPIED, JAY:[cmake]cmakelists.txt;10 copied to 
JAY:[cmake_simple_test]cmakelists.txt;10 (1 block)
%COPY-S-NEWFILES, 2 files created
ITAN1* set default jay:[cmake_simple_test]
ITAN1* dir

Directory JAY:[cmake_simple_test]

cmakelists.txt;10   foo.c;3

Total of 2 files.

And switching to the GNV Bash shell it ran (in MY opinion) very cleanly, though 
I did ultimately determine that I had to manually define the CMAKE_C_COMPILER 
variable in the command line):

ITAN1* bash
-- The C compiler identification is unknown
-- The CXX compiler identification is unknown
-- Check for working C compiler: /bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /bin/CC
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /bin/CC -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /JAY/CMAKE_SIMPLE_TEST
bash-4.3$ ls
CMakeCache.txt  CMakeFiles  Makefile  cmake_install.cmake  cmakelists.txt  foo.c

Dropping back to the DCL prompt you can see it has created quie a few files:

ITAN1* dir [...]

Directory JAY:[cmake_simple_test]

CMakeCache.txt;1    CMakeFiles.DIR;1    cmakelists.txt;10   
foo.c;3             Makefile.;1

Total of 6 files.

Directory JAY:[cmake_simple_test.CMakeFiles]

3^.3^.2.DIR;1       cmake.check_cache;2 cmake.check_cache;1 
CMakeError.log;1    CMakeOutput.log;1   CMakeTmp.DIR;1      foo_dir.DIR;1
Makefile.cmake;1    Makefile2.;1        progress.marks;1    

Total of 12 files.

Directory JAY:[cmake_simple_test.CMakeFiles.3^.3^.2]

CMakeCCompiler.cmake;1                  CMakeCXXCompiler.cmake;1
CMakeDetermineCompilerABI_C.bin;1       CMakeDetermineCompilerABI_CXX.bin;1
CMakeSystem.cmake;1 CompilerIdC.DIR;1   CompilerIdCXX.DIR;1

Total of 7 files.

Directory JAY:[cmake_simple_test.CMakeFiles.3^.3^.2.CompilerIdC]

cc_temp9dedd1.;1    cc_temp9df5d2.;1    CMakeCCompilerId.c;1

Total of 3 files.

Directory JAY:[cmake_simple_test.CMakeFiles.3^.3^.2.CompilerIdCXX]

cc_temp9df5d5.;1    cc_temp9dfdd7.;1    CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp;1

Total of 3 files.

Directory JAY:[cmake_simple_test.CMakeFiles.foo_dir]

build.make;1        cmake_clean.cmake;1 cmake_clean_target.cmake;1
depend.make;1       DependInfo.cmake;1  flags.make;1        progress.make;1

Total of 7 files.

Grand total of 6 directories, 38 files.

Switching, yet again, back to the GNV Bash shell, the makefile does process 
without HORRIBLE errors, but the make does only create the file libfoo.a:

ITAN1* bash
bash-4.3$ make
Scanning dependencies of target foo
[-50%] Building C object CMakeFiles/foo_dir/foo.c.o
[  0%] Linking C static library libfoo.a
[  0%] Built target foo
bash-4.3$ ls
CMakeCache.txt  CMakeFiles  Makefile  cmake_install.cmake  cmakelists.txt  
foo.c  libfoo.a

I wanted to send this reply back now, but will do some further investigation 
into the "real" build... Among the things I will try:

Interrupting/preventing the automatic execution of the bootstrapped CMake in 
the end of the bootstrap script and then try to execute it from the shell 
prompt using the same basic switches I used for the "simple" project above.



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