We use "PackageMaker" generator on MacOS.  But i don't think it is CPack specific tool does call strip command.  The code for RPATH rewrite and strip cmd is located in cmake_install.cmake. As i understand CPack calls make install to tmp dir and then creates package.

Having different RPATH for build tree is useful. May be there is a way to call sign tool in the install stage? But reading the doc to CMake install command, doesn't help me find solution for this.

Best regards, Anatoly Belyaev

On 22.10.2018 11:55, Eric Noulard wrote:

Le lun. 22 oct. 2018 à 10:21, Anatoly Belyaev <cr...@cryptopro.ru <mailto:cr...@cryptopro.ru>> a écrit :

    We use CMake

    |add_custom_command(TARGET POST_BUILD COMMAND codesign ...) |

    for signing executable files on build. It works fine, but when
    CPack generates package it rewrites rpath on executable files and
    call strip command on them. This changes the file and invalidates
    the signature. Is there any way in CMake to sign binary files
    after CPack finishes install and before actual packaging?

As you discovered CPack runs at a different moment than CMake (see: https://github.com/dev-cafe/cmake-cookbook/blob/master/figures/cmake-times/cmake-times.jpg)

RPATH is rewritten because you may have different build and install RPATH.

Concerning the strip part I'm not sure CPack does that. May be the CPack generator specific tool does it? I bet there is no generic way to that without extending CPack or the particular generator ou are using.
What CPack generator(s) do you use?



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