I was diagnosed in Oct 2005 after a routine CBC.  As with many others,
I had just wondered why my left side hurt.  My CBC showed 100,000 WBC
and 950,000 platelets, and a BMB showed 100% Ph+.  On a dosage of 400mg
Gleevec, my WBC stabilized within three weeks.  The platelets
normalized at 6 weeks, but then the WBC went somewhat low (2.6).  At 8
weeks everything stabilized and I was in CHR.  After 12 weeks, since I
had tolerated Gleevec very well, my onc raised my Gleevec dosage to
600mg to gain a maximum response.  A PCR was done a week later, and
results were .004%.  Changing to 600mg caused my WBC to drop below
normal again, but it stabilized within another 4 weeks.  I have a 6
month BMB in April, and if I am PCRu, my onc will reduce my dosage to

I realize that I have been fortunate to have such a good response.
This group has taught me a lot, as I have watched the postings.  I have
immersed myself into learning about this disease.  So thanks for all
your help, because many learn from your information.

I am still on 600mg, but split my dosage into 200mg at each meal.  For
me, I think this has a couple benefits.  I believe I have fewer side
effects than taking 600mg (or even 400mg) all at once.  I also believe
it helps keep my WBC count from dropping too low, which taking 600mg
all at once seems to cause.  Those who have trouble with low WBC counts
might ask their onc about this option.  Mine thinks it might even help
to keep Gleevec in the body 24 hours a day, instead of 16-18 hours from
taking a single dose once per day.  And if the minimum residual disease
"quiescent stem cell" theory is correct, then I want Gleevec there
if they "wake up".

There is one issue I have that maybe someone has information about.  My
RDW is above normal and continues to rise.  It is now at 21.5, when
16.2 is the high end of normal.  I have searched all the websites for
information, and they all talk about anemia or damage to red cells from
something like an artificial heart valve (don't have one). Other
potential indicators of anemia are absent (HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHV,
PLT all normal).  I had a colonoscopy and liver/kidney function tests
last month - all normal.  My onc doesn't think I am bleeding
internally, so doesn't understand it, but is not concerned.  Any info
about non-anemia high RDW?  Any others have persistent high RDW?

-- Trey

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