Hi Steve,
 I have a question out of curiosity.  Did Vanessa take daily Interferon
injections or once a week injections?  Interferon is delivered as an
injection so I was just curious.

   Trey has given you lots of information on testing.  I am also
curious to why another bone marrow biopsy is being done one month after
the first one?  Did Vanessa have a bone marrow biopsy at diagnosis?
Usually, that would involve cytogenetics testing where they look at 20
marrow cells and see how many has the Philadelphia chromosome, which is
the cancer marker of CML.  If 20/20 marrow cells have the cancer
marker, which is normal, Vanessa would be 100%Ph+.  Then with Gleevec
therapy, this cancer marker should go down but usually CML experts
order another bone marrow biopsy at the 6 month mark of Gleevec.  So, I
am still a bit curious why a biopsy is being done every month.  Was a
biopsy done at diagnosis or was blood taken to detect the Ph
chromosome?  Then she would be detected by either the FISH test or the
PCR test.

  PCR test is the most sensitive test and can detect 1 CML cell in 1
million normal cells.  This test is usually done after the marrow 20
cell test shows negative for the Ph chromosome.  When the latter
happens, it is called complete cytogenetic remission.(CCR)  When the
PCR shows a 1000-fold reduction from diagnosis value, this is called
3-log reduction or major molecular remission (MMR) and it is good to
reach this milestone as then the risk of relapse is low.  Vanessa has
to first reach CCR and then MMR.  PCRU means PCR undetectable for the
CML marker.  This is also called complete molecular remission (CMR).
PCRU is reached more often on higher Gleevec doses and the CML experts
have found from studies that the faster the leukemic load is brought
down the better for durable remissions so it is quite all right for the
doctor to prescribe 600mg Gleevec.  Like Mike B says, make sure you are
going to a CML specialist.

PCR in layman terms is a percentage ratio of bad cells to total cells
and it is a number that should go down with time and you track it every
3 months after Vanessa reaches negative on the 20 marrow cell test via
a bone marrow biopsy.

Do let us know whether Vanessa was taking daily injections of
Interferon or once a week.

Best Wishes,
caregiver to Roy
400mg Gleevec
Sep 2002, CCR

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