Hey suzieq,
Sounds like you have had your hands full lately..hehe. Anyway what I have been told about what I can take is a bit confusing. The first doc I went to said to avoid both Aspirin and Tylenol, but I fired him so I am not so sure about his info. The doctors I presently see advised me that Aspirin is about the only thing I need to stay away from. I am sure there is someone else in the group that knows more, but I figured I would throw my two cents in. Have a good one,

On 8/25/06, suzieq <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

Hello to all once again:
    I know it has been a while since I posted,  but I have kept up
with what everyone has written.  I've had a very interesting past few
weeks, to say the least.  As I had posted earlier,  my mother came up
from her home in Florida a month ago and she and I left for Honolulu,
Hi. on the first of August for a wonderful time & a dream come true
vacation that neither one of us ever thought in our wildest dreams that
we would get to do in our life time (both growing up dirt poor).  But,
it did happen and we had the most beautiful time and I took around a
hundred amazing pictures. We did get lost a few times, but finally
decided that that was to be expected and relaxed and just found our way
back to where we were suppose to be. :-)   We had leased a small car
while there & with the help of a booklet provided by the car rental
company that had great maps of the Island of Oah'u, we drove the whole
island and saw as much as we were able! :-)  People ask us if we went
here or we went there, and I always reply "if it involved hiking or
stairs, NO!"   I'm sure we missed a lot of natural beauty by not taking
the scenic hikes or climbs, but having to worry about my mother
stumbling around out in the wilds or trying to navigate steps with her
bad ankles, I decided it just wasn't worth the hassle and would be
something left for "another trip on another day" God-willing!   And,
as out of breath as I get just going from my house up our drive way to
the mail box (about 1/4 mile slight incline walk), I knew I could never
keep up with some tour group. :-)  We returned on the 10th (to a
harrowing experience at the airport in Atlanta coming off an early
morning all night flight to the news and all the security in place
about the arrests in London and the terrorist scare) and was back to
our home here in mid-Missouri around 1:30 that afternoon. Mom & I
immediately went to bed for a quick nap as we had no sleep since
leaving Hawaii.   That was a Thursday and by Saturday, it hit us,  the
time difference and jet lag.......fatigue!  Sunday afternoon my husband
phoned and informed me that we were having unexpected company drop in
that evening. He said he had tried to talk this man out of coming, but
the man was not thinking rational. His wife passed away the first of
July and he's having trouble dealing with her death and my husband has
been counciling him and has been like his "big brother" as he has no
family or close friends. He's been left with two precious little girls,
four & six.  So, here we are, expecting them for the next three days,
roofers are coming to re-roof our house beginning at six in the
morning, & these people are also bringing an "un-expected" dog. We have
a dog, too, and he doesn't appreciate sharing his house. :-)   It was
utter chaos from Sunday evening through Wednesday when they all left.
During this time,  my mom and I entertained the two little girls and
the dog was in a crate in our basement constantly barking the whole
day, we had roofers overhead hammering each day beginning at six until
around one (because of our extreme heat). If all that wasn't enough to
cause one to pull out their hair, our dog's health came in to play.  On
Tuesday he began to have trouble urinating and eventually couldn't.
All he wanted to do was run to the door to go outside. So, I just kept
him in his bed and would take him out ever so often to "try". By Wed.
morning, he was miserable and so were we. My mom and I were waiting at
the vet an hour before he opened.  When he examined "Fritz", he said he
was totally blocked and would have to have immediate surgery and he was
unable to do it, so sent us to a vet hospital in another town fifteen
minutes away after calling and talking to them.  We got him there,
again he was examined and they kept him.  He had two kidney stones that
had to be removed and more in his bladder. (they look smaller than the
two that were removed and our hopes are that they will flush right out,
time will tell).  My husband had to leave that day as well to go on a
business trip and our company had left by the time we had gotten up
that morning,  so, Mom and I went back home and just sort of
"vegetated" for the next two days until picking up Fritz on Friday.  It
was amazing how "quite" the house seemed. :-)   Well, come Sunday
evening, I begin to feel ill and got up the next morning sick with what
I thought was "sinus" but eventually began to cough and cough,  and it
has moved into my chest.  This is the first time I've had something
like this since being dxed 2 1/2 years ago.  I've been taking some
Advil Cold & Sinus gel caps during the day and then a dose of Nyquil at
bedtime.  Didn't know what else to do.  I felt a little better
yesterday afternoon,  but got up this morning extremely exhausted for
some reason.  Don't know if it's the medication or the illness along
with the CML & Gleevec combination.  Does anyone have a better
suggestion as to what to do for these kinds of "inconveniences" (colds,
flu, etc.).  I've been blessed not to catch any of the viruses in the
past,  but for some reason this one slipped up on me.  Some around here
say it is the allergies as the pollen is really bad right now because
of the extreme heat and dry weather we've had,  but I think it's from
the airplane ride home & one of the little girls had a "snotty" nose
while here. Plus, I got wet going to church Sunday morning while
parking the car in the rain. Once in church had to sit there wet and
chilled.  Guess I was just "due". :-)    Any help would be much
appreciated!  Sorry that this is so long,  guess I needed to talk to
somebody. :-)

Keep Looking Up,

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