Hi Penny,
What I suggest you do is mke sure if your company takes out any sort of of short, or long term disability payments out of your check, or as in some cases if they have furnished it free as part of your benefit package. If they have done so, and your doctor is willing to fill out the paper wok required then you can go out on a medical leave. If you have both short term and long term disability,(and it worked as mine did) you will get full pay during the short term period, then once your short term disability expires you will be placed on Long term disability. Here is the thing, unless you paid extra most long term disability programs through private insurance companies pay you only 50% of what you were making. As far as Federal Social Security...I am presently trying to get that. I am on my third appeal and will most likely have to attend a hearing. A company called Allsup was hired by my private insurance to help me get SS. The reason being is they do not want to have to pay the full amount contracted to me until 2030. I do not care either way. If I am awarded SS(which Allsup now seems to think I will be) I will get two checks a month to make the total amount I am presently making with my private carrier.
The process for getting SS can be a long and tricky one for those of us on CML. The way it was explained to me by my Allsup agent is this.
You first two or three attempts it is not uncommon to be denied. The reason being it mainly goes in front of paper pushers who honestly do not pay major attention to that is actually stated on the forms. In my case they keep seeing remission but not that my side effects of Gleevec keep me from working and that I must keep taking the meds to stay in remission. My agent who called me last week assured me this time around a judge would actually pay attention to that. I will most likely be awarded SS, but if you do not have private disability has a benefit from your job it will be rough because you will have to be off of work I believe six months before SS will consider you. They seem to, for some reason like to award it to drug addicts and alcoholics faster, than people in my condition..hehe. The catch for Allsup doing all the work for me, instead of me having to get a lawyer is that when I get the pack pay from when I filed for SS, my private carrier will get most if not all of it. So instead of getting a fat check like most do after being awarded SS, I will just start getting two separate checks in the once a month. It can be a long frustrating ordeal, and I would suggest speaking to a lawyer or a company like Allsup to try and help you get SS. Also without private disability you will not have any money coming in, in the mean time. Take care, I hope this helps,

I draw SSI dissablility Penny but it is not Social Security Disablility it is still federal but differant but maybe I can help what are your questions?
-------------- Original message --------------
From: "Penny" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi,
> Thanks to everyone that replied to my question on the
> price of Gleevec.
> I hope someone will help me with this question....Is anyone
> on disability? I ask this question because I am in retail
> and my job is physicaly demanding.
> I pull carts around that weigh over 200lbs
> I can't quit because I need the insurance.
> Thanks to everyone for the input
> and thank you for being there my extended family.

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