Hi all and blessings,
It is my 3 year Anniversary also.
I started on Gleevec in Feb of 2004 and I'm also alive and kicking  hehe.
Normal well, no.
Everything I do has to been done with my meds in mind and all the side  
effects and etc so it is continually with me no matter what I'm doing.  I  try 
be a normal as I can but I don't feel normal. In the beginning I was  
sooooooooo tired and had these awful sores.
I started taking vitamins, eating yogurt, black strap molasses and anything  
I could think of to improve my blood Hemg but it is never normal; always a  
little low but not to bad.
Now, I have the dryness in my skin, nose and also have skin tabs that I  
never had before.  My nose is so dry but I've been taking flax oil and I  think 
is helping.
So after 3 years I think my body is adjusting to the Gleevec, and I hope it  
will keep on keeping on.
On the brighter side, my cholesterol has come way down, my eyesight has  
improved and my blood pressure is in the normal range.
Can I say the Gleevec has done this?  Maybe.
We just don't know enough about the drug to say.
So as we test this drug let us keep the faith and hope they come up[ with a  
cure soon.  I believe they are on their way to finding a cure so hang in  
there everyone.
I would like to hear from all the 3 year CML'rs.
In a message dated 2/16/2007 9:57:52 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Dear  Suzieq,

Warm congratulations on your 3 year CML  anniversary!  I am so glad
that you are leading a normal  life.

Roy's PCR also does bounce up and down, he is 5  years on Gleevec.
His doctor still tells him to do a bone marrow biopsy  every year but
according to recommendations from OHSU's Dr. Deininger, a  bone marrow
aspiration is recommened every 12-18 months for patients with  low
disease load. So, you can go 18 months without one.

Now,  the reason doctors still recommend BMA (since a PCR does give a
measure of  the disease load and from a simple blood draw) is because
the PCR test  cannot look at other chromosomes like chromosome 8,
chromosome 7, etc. and  see whether they are normal.  Some patients on
Gleevec have developed  abnormalities in other chromosomes while in CCR
with Gleevec and the reason  for this is not known by the doctors but
if a patient does develop this,  doctors like to monitor the marrow
more frequently.  Roy is doing his  next BMA at 18 months instead of 12

Keep us posted on your  PCR results, Suzieq!

caregiver to Roy

On Feb  15, 2:45 am, "Suzieq" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It has  been three years since being diagnosed with CML & then put on
>  Gleevec.  It has been some journey to say the least.......but,  I'm
> still alive & kicking and living a somewhat "normal" life, for  which I
> am very "thankful"!   I visited my doctor a week ago  and counts all
> looked very good according to her.  She said that  the only thing she's
> noticed is that my PCR test is up and down in  this three years of
> Gleevec.  She said that all that does is tell  them that if I went off
> the Gleevec, it would immediately come right  back.  The genetics tests
> they just took should be coming in next  week, so I will be anxious to
> see what it says this  time.
> One thing she said has me a little bit concerned and I  thought I would
> mention it here and see what the "group" says........I  asked when she
> would want to be doing another BMB as it will be a year  this July 10th
> since the last one.  She told me that we didn't  need to do them as
> they could get all the test results needed from the  "drawn" blood.
> Now,  any other time that would be "music to my  ears", but it causes
> me to wonder "is she right on this?"  I've  read so much here in this
> group about the importance of these  tests.......so, should I be
> concerned?  Any information would be  most helpful.  I will be posting
> my results when they  arrive.  Thanks!


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