Hello to all:

I went to my doctor back on Oct.24th & just received the genetics
results in the mail. I was beginning to get a little concerned as
normally they're back within ten days.  I was happy........four months
ago it had jumped to 0.013% from a "none detected"........this one
shows that it dropped again to 0.002% which is what I was exactly one
year ago (smile).  When we discussed this at the doctor's office
(about the recent jump), she said that according to my chart....this
is what I have done the past couple of years......up & down, up &
down.  I was hoping for a "none detected" again,  but just happy that
it went back down. (smile) As far as CBC counts......mine seem to be
hanging right around the same each time with little change.  My
platelets were 219 where they were 221 four months ago & my white cell
count was 4.3 where it was 4.8.......reds stayed the same at
3.32.....no be changes in CBC.....so, looks like Gleevec is still
doing it's thing for Suzieq....AMEN

Are there others of you out there on Gleevec whose PCR tests move up &
down like mine do?

Also, I had someone ask me recently if the cost of Gleevec is cheaper
in Canada & Mexico like other drugs?  I told them that I didn't know,
but I do know several in our on line support group are from Canada, so
I would ask. Is it?

Did you people see the news a couple of nights ago about certain
insurances dropping people (most of the time,  they said it was
because the person had "lied" about something or another when filling
out their paperwork to obtain the insurance.  Funny..........they
didn't choose to drop the person until they had some type of illness
or injury where they had to file claims against the insurance.....one
lady had breast cancer and she was dropped right in the middle of her
chemo treatments. I can't even imagine!!!!!    While listening to
this.....I told my husband that this was one of my biggest
concerns.......I guess all of us who battle a chronic illness or what
not have this fear, huh?

As far as the "chills",  I still get cold off and on but nothing
compared to those deep "chilled to the bone" kind I had in the
beginning.  Right now,  I am fluctuating from hot flashes to
chills.......one minute I'm covered up with a blanket in the chair &
five minutes later I'm kicking it off and fanning myself. (smile)
I've just learned to deal with it.

Hang in there and keep looking up, Suzieq

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