Thank you Jeanie for your advice. Actually, I am going into my second
good week and feel more positive and hopeful. I have been writing
poetry to get through the rough spots and that seems to help. I do
need to get back on the fish oil. I bought flowers to plant yesterday
and my husband rototilled the garden so I can get started on that
(garden is imperative with the rising cost of gas and subsequent cost
of food). I also have a rock garden with a waterfall that I need to
get up and running - that area of the yard provides me with a lot of
peace and serenity. I put that in when they thought my granddaughter
had melanoma - I was just sick with worry and putting that garden in
made a huge difference. It is now my "memory" garden and family/
friends have given me "special" rocks and seashells to add to it - as
well as plants from their yards. My religious belief is that all
religions are "right." Hence, I have a wide range of belief systems
and do not subscribe to any one specific religion. I have studied many
and found "truth" in every one and also things I do not agree with -
so, I pick out what feels "right" to me and ignore the things that
don't feel "right." To each his own. I do read "Daily Word" and feel
that positive affirmations are important. Too bad those affirmations
do little for me when I'm in the pit. But, I am trending upwards! I
hope to maintain that trend by doing the things I love.

Thank you so much for your blessings, prayers and love,

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