*I've got this in **

 life is in the way we live from moment to moment. Among the many other
things I gleaned was the idea that no matter what happens, it is important
to keep a bright and cheerful heart, a strong and lively sense of
determination, and a positive attitudeRealize these foremost axioms of how
to live life and your destiny will naturally unfold of itself.
Tempu Sensei once said:

"Though your body may be ill,

your mind remains healthy;

though an injustice may be part of your fate,

do not let it penetrate to your heart;

and though you may face the most hateful hardship,

have the strength of spirit to turn that hardship into greater enjoyment.

Your heart is what joins you directly to the divine,

and insofar as that is true,

you must resolve yourself to
 never sully, stain, or soil that point of connection."

*In fact, I think that, in brief, life is born, survive and die. We have no
control with "born" and "die", but we can do our best in how we are going
to survive!*
*keep going.*

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