Hi  Everyone,

I haven't been on here in quite a while.  I am suppose to be starting a new 
drug tomorrow.  My Oncologist took me off of the Gleevec, but  I'm readying the 
material on the new drug and it scares me a lot.  I have a pace maker and 
haven't had an EKG since March.  I have had irregular heart beats in the past, 
so I'm reading that perhaps this isn't a good time to start it.  Think I'll 
just take the Gleevec until I can talk to both my Oncologist and my 
Cardiologist.  I'm scheduled to have an E.K.G. next Thurs. and that's when I 
will start Tasigna....the day after.  Some times you just have to go with your 
gut feeling.  It also says that I have to have the EKG's every 7 days.

My question is.....how many of you are on this new drug?  I know it is made by 
the same people that make Gleevec, but also know that it's very new and am just 
curious to see if any of you are on it.

I would rather be cautious then stupid at this point.  The Gleevec isn't 
working like it should, so I need to change.  They had me on Sprycel, but it 
caused some muscle problems and so he took me off of it.

Hope to hear from you and I value your opinions.
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