Hi Millie,
I just got back from my Onc's office visit.
He put me on Tasigna; I was wanting Sprycel, but this is what  he recommended.
I need to know what to expect.  Did you clean out the  Gleevec before 
starting the Tasigna?
As you can see, I'm a little nervous about the new  drug.
He wants EKG every week.
Thanks for all you input.
In a message dated 9/17/2008 2:06:00 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  

Hi Jeanie.....Just on  my way out to take my Tasigna, but it can wait a 
moment.  I then will  start supper and that will give me time to wait the extra 
hour.  It's not  difficult, once I started.  No, I didn't need the EKG's every 
day, but  probably once a week, for a while.  They just did another one 
yesterday,  but it's been a while since I had one.  Everything is great with  
I've noticed a few things since on the new med.  I don't have  the weight gain, 
or the swelling (water), and don't miss it at all.  On  Gleevec I had 
diarrhea and that seems to be gone too.  I feel my life is  so much better.  
let me know what your doctor decides for  you.  As I said before, I don't know 
why he switched me.....just said the  Gleevec wasn't working as well as he 
wanted it too.
You're in my thoughts  and prayers.

----- Original Message ----- 
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:CMLHope@googlegroups.com)  
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008  4:52 PM

Hi Millie and thanks so much for your prayers and  uplifting note.
Did you go into accelerated phase when he switched  you?
On the Tasigna, did you have to have cardiograms  daily?
Yes, that would be hard; I remember taken an antibiotic  that had to be taken 
on an empty stomach; hard to time it.
I am just waiting for my Dr to call and tell me what he  wants to do.
I think they are still doing cytogenics on the test and  they aren't ready 
I'm 70, and am still hanging in there.
I noticed my left leg was swelling today, and that has  never happened to me 
before.  I do know some of our cml'ers have  swelling.
Also the front of leg is hurting.
Blessings to you and your e-mail has helped me so  much.
In a message dated 9/16/2008 1:48:48 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  

Hi  Jeanie<3
I've been reading  some of the messages  you've posted and know that you are 
having a  time with it all.  Just recently my meds had to be changed.  You  
might laugh, but my Onc. of 15 yrs and I have decided that I don't need to  
everything and it works best for me.  If it's something I must  know, he'll 
tell me.  All I know is that my Gleevec wasn't working  for me anymore.  He 
switched me to Tasigna and , although I worried a  lot about the side effects, 
things have worked out for me.  I'm not  having nearly as many side affects and 
that's a good thing.  The  hardest part about taking it is doing it every 12 
hours and trying to fit  my meals in so that I can do this.  It has ended up 
that I have to  set the alarm for 5:00 A.M. and take my meds then, and that's 
fine.   You can't eat 2 hours prior, or an hour after taking the meds.  At  any 
rate this has worked out for me.  I'm due to take it in about 15  min. and 
then will start working on my supper for the day.  I do have  a heart condition 
too...I have a Pace Maker..just had a new one put in a  few months ago.  All in 
all am doing well for a 69 yr. old.  I  am in a wheel chair and walker, do to 
other problems, but am not giving up  the fight.  
You take care and  know that we're all out there keeping up with what you're 
dealing with and  always hoping for the best.  None of can give up.
My thoughts and  Prayers to you,


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