We stored ours though Viacord they have a compassionate care program if you
have cancer, they will store it for free. Tony.

-----Original Message-----
From: CMLHope@googlegroups.com [mailto:cmlh...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of lbailes
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 12:06 PM
To: CMLHope
Subject: [CMLHope] Re: donate cord blood

So this was probably spam, but I wanted to touch on this. Since being
pregnant, I've posted on some pregnancy forums and a lot of women have
learned of CML and other blood cancers and how they can help by
donating their cord blood. There must be at least 20 women who weren't
aware of this before who are now going to donate their babies' cord
blood because of my story, which greatly humbles me and makes me very
happy and proud.

As for my baby's cord blood, there is a program I found that will pay
for free banking if the cord blood is a match for me. Since we can't
afford to store it ourselves, I will donate it if it is not a match to


On Jan 30, 11:20 am, health health <hhealth...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Reasons to donate cord blood
> Cord Blood Banking is one of the hottest issues over the past decade. Why
> cord blood collection so popular?
> Cord blood donate-Your baby's umbilical cord blood is rich in stem cells.
> These stem cells work like a factory. They manufacture fresh blood cells
> wherever they are transplanted. They have the power to create red blood
> cells and the platelets that can ward off diseases, which the patients
> current blood cells have been unable to do. You are injecting the patient
> with those same cells that created him.
> *donate cord blood <http://reasons-to-donate-cord-blood.blogspot.com/>*

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