Hi everyone. After 4 1/2 years on Gleevec my doctor switched me to Sprycel. I 
had continued to have multiple side effects on the Gleevec so in late Nov he 
put me on the Sprycel. I really seemed to do better on it but I did notice my 
hair was coming out pretty fast. It never did that with the Gleevec. However, I 
did develop some pretty severe skin ulcers about 3 weeks after starting the 
Sprycel. I didn't think much about it but I found a site about Sprycel the 
begining of March and it showed that skin ulcers were a serious side effect. I 
showed it to my doctor and he stopped it right then. It states that less than 
1% of people are affected with the skin ulcers. I had been being treated for 
them since Dec by my regular doctor and not until I found that article did we 
put two and two together. My onc was glad that I found the information because 
he was unaware of this serious side effect to Sprycel. I am the only CML 
patient at this cancer center. Now he is
 going to put me on Tasgnia. Wish me luck with it.

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