I was on Gleevec for 3 months when I developed very bad skin lesions that
were diagnosed to be erythema multiforme.  Due to this reaction and I was
taken off Gleevec.  The cure for this was high doses of prednisone. Due to a
connective tissue disorder (similar to lupus but not lupus), I have been on
various amounts of prednisone for 3 to 4 years because of the
undifferentiated connective tissue disorder which has now caused some
myopathy in my legs. Needles to say, I try to maintain the lowest level of
predisone possible.  I started Sprycel 5 weeks ago but now due to pleural
effusion and pleurisy I was taken off of it 2 days ago. I will await a new
chest x-ray in a few days to see if the fluid dissipates before going on a
lower dose of Sprycel. If I increase my prednisone I know I would feel
better but I am concerned about the strength of my legs. 


I was diagnosed with CML in October, 2009.  A few weeks prior to the pleural
pain, I cut my prednisone back from 20 to 15 to 10 and I am currently taking
10. Are any of you long term prednisone users? Any familiarity with this
cycle of cutting back on prednsone and then getting pleural pain?  Were any
of your skin lesions diagnosed as erythema multiforme? 

 Thank you for any feedback

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