I feel so sorry about all these... My friends, please, remember that the
purpose of this group is to help each other - let´s focus on this purpose.

On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 3:45 PM, <myvet...@aol.com> wrote:

>  WOW, what a milestone.  That gives us other folks some hope.  Greenie
> Good luck to you.
>  In a message dated 7/2/2010 1:37:56 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
> skipd_2...@yahoo.com writes:
>  Hello to the group,
> Jeanie I agree with you, if we have a difference of opinion then, we should
> take it off
> the group and try to make nice.  I neither agree or disagree when I do see
> a tiff coming on
> I have had CML most likely the longest in the world, and the way things are
> going
> think this may be the end of it.  One of you will become the longest etc
> etc.  I look
> at Lottie and see a bright spirit and wish we all could be like her.  Folks
> I have seen
> many very nice people who did not make it, and wish I could talk with them
> again,
> they were wonderful people trying to work through their Cancer.  This past
> two
> years I have failed all those new drugs (you call them new) and now I am on
> nothing.
> I look forward to reading email on the site, every day.   You have
> wonderful people
> on these groups treat them kindly, you just never know.
> thank you group for just being there
> Skip Duffie
> dx'ed 33 ++ years ago.
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* "icandoall...@aol.com" <icandoall...@aol.com>
> *To:* cmlhope@googlegroups.com
> *Sent:* Fri, July 2, 2010 12:39:53 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [CMLHope] Re: I wrote to Sheila offline to spare her
> embarrassment
> This group is a wonderful griyo and I have been on it since the beginning
> way back when it was a yahoo list.
> Sometimes arguments like this happen, but it doesn't in anyway diminish
> what this group accomplishes.  It has helped me in more ways than I could
> say. For you to say this list is a "joke" then you just don't know much
> about this group and the people that on it daily.  I just sent the
> information on Dr Talpaz and from the article it certainly looks like he was
> on the team that developed Gleevec.
> Let's all come together and fight this CML like the Warriors we are.
> Blessings
> Jeanie<3
>  In a message dated 7/2/2010 7:15:14 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
> dsh...@midwaynet.net writes:
> You really crack me up that you posted this for everyone to see. Like
> I told you this does not embarass me, and no I wasn't having a bad day
> I was actually having an awesome day.  I don't know how you don't
> think that the first e-mail you sent me was agressive???  All I was
> doing why trying to give Greenie some inside on Dr. Talpaz and then
> you come along and tell me that I don't kow what I'm talking about
> when I was told by Zavie a few years back (and I'm really sure I could
> find the e-mail) that Talpaz was on the gleevec team, plus Talpaz told
> me himself...and I wasn't personally calling Zavie a liar (sorry if
> that's the way you took it Zavie and Marty) I was asking you Susan if
> you thought he was a liar, sorry if you can't understand my sarcasm.
> I used to find his group helpful and now all it is is people
> constantly nit picking everything, what a joke anymore!  Also you
> didn't post my last e-mail to you yesterday so I will paste it here,
> don't want to leave anything out do we? Since I'm such a mean
> agressive person :)
> To: educatorsu...@aol.com
> Subject: Re: about your comment on Dr. Talpaz
> Is this a threat...WOW grow up and if you feel the need to post this
> so go right ahead I really don't care and if you think this would be
> embarrass me you are so wrong.  What a joke you are and I  thought
> this site was something good well with people like you "lurking" I
> guess I was wrong.  Like I said grow up and if you feel like
> "tattling" on me to the group because apparently you know it go right
> ahead :)
> On Jul 1, 1:06 pm, educatorsusan <educatorsu...@aol.com> wrote:
> > Dear Everyone:
> >
> > I need a little help here.  I responded to Sheila privately to spare
> > her anything embarrassing.  However, she was VERY aggressive and I
> > HAVE NEVER been treated like this before.  I conferred with Zavie as
> > well and he semi-agreed with me...let me know what you think and how I
> > could do better the next time.  Like I said, I have NEVER been told
> > anything negative and my last email to Sheila was that I was going to
> > have to bring this to the group.
> >
> > This is pasted from the emails sent (my original comments should be
> > read from the bottom up so you are current with the whole
> > conversation:
> >
> > Sheila:
> >
> > You are going to force me to send this whole correspondence to the
> > CMLHOPE group.  This is not even funny.  I am sorry that you feel this
> > way about me.
> >
> > Hugs,
> > Susan
> >
> > In a message dated 7/1/2010 11:32:54 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> dsh...@midwaynet.net writes:
> >
> > Not really being polite in my book.  Zavie Miller     told me he was on
> > the team that invented gleevec so I guess now he's lieing...whatever
> > really don't care. Like I said I'll never reply again to a post.  You
> > came off as being a no it all bitch...sorry
> >
> >
> >
> > -------Original Message-------
> >
> > From: educatorsu...@aol.com
> > Date: 7/1/2010 10:25:58 AM
> > To: dsh...@midwaynet.net
> > Subject: Re: about your comment on Dr. Talpaz
> >
> > Sheila:
> >
> > I was being polite.  I was not "ass chewing".  I am a "lurker" on the
> > group and keep up daily with the digests.  I know that you are proud
> > that he is your doctor.  I just wanted you to be informed.  "Ass
> > Chewing" would have been replying via the digest...I thought I was
> > being considerate...
> >
> > Hugs,
> > Susan
> >
> > In a message dated 6/30/2010 1:14:52 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> > dsh...@midwaynet.net writes:
> > OK????  I didn't mean to get an ass chewing...I was told by someone
> > else in the group a few years back that he was involved SORRY, guess I
> > won't be posting anything again, just trying to help a fellow CMLer
> > along
> >
> > -------Original Message-------
> >
> > From: educatorsu...@aol.com
> > Date: 6/30/2010 11:00:12 AM
> > To: dsh...@midwaynet.net
> > Subject: about your comment on Dr. Talpaz
> >
> > Sheila:
> >
> > Dr. Talpaz did not NOR did he have any input on the development of
> > Gleevec.  His main focus was the old drug Interferon, of which he is
> > still experimenting with this drug to help Gleevec along.
> >
> > The only way Dr. Moshe Talpaz became involved was when at MD Anderson,
> > he chose to become involved since he realized his pet, Interferon, was
> > going nowhere fast!!!  This is the scoop!
> >
> > I did not want to embarrass you in front of the group so I am choosing
> > to just email you privately.
> >
> > I just thought I would give you a little bit of history.  This does
> > not make Dr. Talpaz in my opinion any less of a doctor...BUT he had NO
> > INVOLVEMENT in the trials with Gleevec.
> >
> > Hugs,
> > Susan Rosenthal
> >
> > AGAIN, please advise me as to how to handle this in the future...just
> > reply to the group instead of individually?  I am just assuming that
> > Sheila had a very bad day!
> >
> > Hugs,
> > Susan Rosenthal
> >
> > Miami, Florida
> > dx. January 8th, 2003
> > Began Gleevec: 4/10/2003
> > Ceased Gleevec: 4/21/2003
> > "Rebegan" Gleevec: 4/25/2003
> > Tranfusion dependent: May 2004-November 2005
> > Gleevec reduced to 400mg: 8/2004
> > Gleevec reduced to 300mg: 8/2005
> > Gleevec reduced to 200/300 alternating days: November 7, 2006 to
> > present day except now I am taking 250 every day now...
> > Still undetectable 9/24/2008
> > BMB/BMA PCRU!!! FISH 0% YEAH!!!!!
> > Next appointment with Dr. Druker: Thursday,April 09, 2009
> > Gleevec PK Level taken every 3 months monitored by Novartis and Dr.
> > Druker. PCR taken every 3 months!
> > PCR-in June was a weak positive but Dr. Druker felt that it was the
> > same as undetectable...repeated PCR in August 2008-undetectable!!!
> > (BMB/BMA PCRU!!! FISH 0% YEAH!!!!!)
> > I was told that I would not need another BMB as long as my numbers
> > stay where they are!!! YIPEEEE!
> > 3/2009 PCRU!!!! Yippee!!! Nested test not being done any longer at
> > OHSU.
> > 6/2009 PCRU!!!! Yippee!!! Counts on Gleevec PK went up a little
> > bit...not too happy about that!
> > This past October, my PCR was undetectable again!!! My Gleevec PK was
> > a little raised in numbers but still okay...but I am getting some side
> > effects AGAIN!
> > This past March, 2010, I was "low traceable" which Dr. Druker says is
> > the same as undetectable!
> > June 2010-UNDETECTABLE!!! YEAH!!!!- Hide quoted text -
> >
> > - Show quoted text -
> --
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