Pat...Fiber Choice tablets are wonderful for the Sprycel induced  
constipation...Tom in KY
In a message dated 8/19/2010 4:34:59 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

I think  you are making the best decision and I hope it goes well. The
only thing  with me changing to Sprycel is I have went from one extreme
to the  next...horrific diarrhea to now occasionally constipation which
is easier  to manage than the other. I'm praying your life will be
better on the changed mine.
Love,peace,hope & prayers,pat

On Aug  18, 8:40 pm, peg <> wrote:
> Hey  all,
> Thank you so much for all of you taking the time to  respond to me
> through this.  It has been a difficult week,  sometimes leaving me
> feeling almost bi-polar...with up days and down!  You all shared
> valuable experience and concerns that helped give  me hope through this
> process.  In the end, today, after a  cardiology consult requested by
> my oncologist, the decision is to  cancel the order for Tasigna and
> submit one for Sprycel due to the  additional risk posed by my existing
> arrhythmia.  The  cardiologist felt that when he weighed the
> risk...just in my case...of  LongQT (tasigna) vs Plural Effusion
> (sprycel), the Plural Effusion was  far more predictible, controllable
> and non-life threatening. He said  that it was not one vs the other as
> much as what the safest order to  put them in was.... for me. But once
> again, having a brother and  sisterhood to call on has been, and
> continues to be, an honor.  You are all wonderful.  Thanks again so
> much, peg

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