Hi and good luck to you.  I think one of the most important things  about 
taking Tasigna is not having any food with it.  For some reason it  just quit 
working for me after 8 months.  I am doing good on Sprycel but  there is 
the risk of the pleural infusion on that also.  So we are at risk  no matter 
what we take, but the CML is going to hurt us if we don't do something  so we 
have to do the best we can.  I have had no sign of the PE as of  yet.  I 
read somewhere that you get that in the first year so I am going  into my 2nd 
year now.  However, I do know some who have gotten the PE after  a few years 
on it.
Fight on CML Warrior,
In a message dated 8/21/2010 8:41:25 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
peghardi...@hotmail.com writes:

Hi  Jeanie,

Since Gleevec has been the gold standard in the US, many  hemotologists
are simply not as familiar with the other options as they  possibly
could be.  Now that Tasigna has been approved as a 2nd,  sometimes
better, front line treatment there is just an assumption that  this is
the next natural step for all patients who are Gleevec resistant  or
intolerant.  A kind of cookie cutter medicine, one size fits  all.  I
had sought a 2nd oncology opinion, who also recommended  Tasigna, with
no consideration for Sprycel.

An additional problem is  that medical care is sometimes fragmented out
so, each to his own  specialty....with doctors not really having
problem solving discussions  with each other, as a healthcare team,
like they did in the old days. When  my original cardiologist was
consulted regarding monitoring of QT risk with  Tasigna he did not even
know there was another option, and as most  non-oncology doctors he was
not familiar with any of the TKI's.  It  was only by accident that the
oncologist referred me to a different  cardiologist at the last minute,
simply because he was in the same building  making monitoring a bit
more consolidated. Thanks to all the information  and courage everyone
at CMLHope provided me, I took it upon my self to  educate this new
cardiologist about ALL the options and varying  risks.

To him it was a slam dunk, the Tasigna just posed more of  an
uncontrollable risk for me than Sprycel.  Obviously this will not  be
the same for everyone, but it does go to show how much we must all  be
our own best advocates.  Knowledge is indeed power.  I thank  you and
everyone here for arming me with the support I needed to do  this.

Things are only going to get more complicated in a few years  when
Gleevec becomes the first TKI to lose it's patent and go  generic.  We
are bound to see many, if not most, US insurance  providers limit
coverage of CML treatment to generic Geevec, and not paying  for, or
charging extremely huge co-pays, for all other options.  Let  the games
begin....let's all pray for a cure to come before that  day!

Thanks again and blessings to you also, (WE can do all through  Him...)

On Aug 20, 2:55 pm, icandoall...@aol.com  wrote:
> Hi Peg good for you and I hope you do really well on  it.
> I didn't think they gave Tasigna for anyone with a QT  problem.
> Blessings
> Jeanie<3
> In a message  dated 8/18/2010 6:59:09 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
>  peghardi...@hotmail.com writes:
> Hey  all,
>  Thank you so much for all of you taking the time to respond to  me
> through this.  It has been a difficult week, sometimes  leaving  me
> feeling almost bi-polar...with up days and down!  You all  shared
> valuable experience and concerns that  helped give me hope through  this
> process.  In the end,  today, after a cardiology consult requested  by
> my oncologist,  the decision is to cancel the order for Tasigna  and
> submit one  for Sprycel due to the additional risk posed by my  existing
>  arrhythmia.  The cardiologist felt that when he weighed  the
>  risk...just in my case...of LongQT (tasigna) vs Plural  Effusion
>  (sprycel), the Plural Effusion was far more predictible,  controllable
> and non-life threatening. He said that it was not  one vs the  other as
> much as what the safest order to put them in  was.... for me. But  once
> again, having a brother and sisterhood  to call on has been,  and
> continues to be, an honor.  You  are all wonderful.  Thanks  again so
> much,  peg
> --
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