The new health care bill does NOT include the "End of Life" provision so
many people fear. There is NO provision for planned euthanasia or refusal of
services.   What was provided for (although after all that kerfuffle in the
media and people thinking they were going to be refused service because they
were too old or sick or something, that proviso was removed from the bill)
was the possibility, on a VOLUNTARY basis, for a patient and doctor to
discuss the patient's desire for how he or she wanted to be treated as death
neared. This was the same as what is known as A Living Will or an Advance
Directive in which a patient says what he/she wants or does not want when in
extremis: a DNR, use of a ventilator, palliative care only or the entire
panoply of available medical processes to keep one alive no matter what.  In
any case, each person SHOULD have this conversation with his doctor
and SHOULD have an advance directive in his medical files.  The ONLY
THING that part of the health care bill provided was that the doctor would
be paid for taking time to sit down and have a serious conversation with the
patient.  Until then, it was a catch-as-catch-can situation, and has
reverted to that ever since the rumor was deliberately spread that there was
something sinister about it.
On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 5:21 AM,
> wrote:

>   Today's Topic Summary
> Group:
>    - Tests came 
> back<>[4
>  Updates]
>  Topic: Tests came 
> back<>
>    Suzieq <> Jan 31 10:58AM -0800 
> ^<>
>    Thank You All;
>    Sitting here waiting for the "big one" the weather people have us all
>    prepared for here in the Midwest area. Calling for a .25 to .5 inches
>    of ice and then major snow on top of that & very frigid temps for
>    several days, so it won't be melting any time soon. I'll believe it
>    all when I actually see it, but not really liking the idea of ice.
>    I've gotten prepared just in case.
>    I saw where I said these test results came back negative for 2 months
>    in a row.....that should be 2 times in a row as I see my doctor ever
>    six months, not every month. LOL!!! Anyway, yes, I'm still
>    "dancing", :):):)
>    My Gleevec went up another $200 and is now just shy of $5000 a month.
>    I'm still concerned about how they keep raising this price & that
>    Anthem will be sending me out a letter one day in the near future
>    telling me that I am going to have to go on something "cheaper" & of
>    course, we all know that there is nothing "cheaper" to take. Also, if
>    the "ObamaCare" stays in place.......will we one day receive a letter
>    stating that we are in that category of needing the"End of Life Care"
>    as we are "too expensive" to keep alive at our ages (I'm 57). It's
>    just a thought, don't mean to be "morbid" here. LOL!!! I know people
>    who have "special needs" children are also concerned about this, too.
>    So, for all of us, keep looking up and staying positive!
>    Suzieq
> Jan 31 03:28PM -0500 
> ^<>
>    Suzieq, Go to a state farm agent to see if you can get your insurance
>    through Humana. I did and found out it was cheaper then my ex company
>    was
>    charging me. When I lived in Springfield, MO. it was $17.00 per month,
>    of
>    course they took my Medicare from SS also. You can always call me at
>    219-973-8717 after 7 pm est.
>    greenie
>    Martin Gartenberg <> Jan 31 06:02PM -0500 
> ^<>
>    Hi Suzieq,
>    Really glad for you. I know that your being blessed. I often read most
>    of
>    your posts but I am usually only a lurker here but I just had to
>    mention
>    that I was very happy to hear about your ZERO BCR-ABL.
>    Why not get in touch with my friend Zavie Miller and let him know. Your
>    up
>    for your very own Zavies zero club cap. I am actually number 1.
>    The very best of luck to you and anyone that has or had CML
>    Marty
> Jan 31 10:34PM -0500 
> ^<>
>    congrats !!!! I am very very happy for you...Spreading the hope!!! Beth
> --
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