Hi Jeanie,

I just want to comment on something you wrote.

"but then I wonder what the drugs are doing to my body.  Well, the leukemia
kills, so better to just face it head on and live with it"

Jeanie, now your getting the idea. No matter what your going through your
still alive to go through it...

I really feel badly for you loosing your hubby and at such a relatively
young age. I'm sure that it was and still is very difficult for you.

When I was first diagnoised with CML I thanked GOD that I got it rather
then my wife or children. I could live with me having it but not my wife or

Take care of yourself and I wish you to have a very healthy and happy holiday



On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 4:17 PM, <icandoall...@aol.com> wrote:

> **
> Hi Marty and thanks so much; you sure sound like a warrior to me.  I love
> your response; just face it and try the best to live with it.
> In Jan I will start on my 9th year of being a CML warrior.  Gleevec and
> Tasigna failed me and I am now on Sprcel.  It is a struggle every day for
> me to take these chemo drugs.  I want to look at like you do, and most days
> I do, but then I wonder what the drugs are doing to my body.  Well, the
> leukemia kills, so better to just face it head on and live with it
> I lost my hubby when he was only 62 from heart disease caused by
> diabetes.  He struggled many years with it, having a by pass when he was
> 52.  His heart just finally gave out.  He had the surgery where they split
> you open through the breast bone and take veins out of your legs to repair
> you clogged veins.
> Christmas is almost here and I love the season.  So Merry Christmas to you
> and a Happy New Year.
> Jeanie<3
>  In a message dated 12/11/2012 9:34:24 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> wa2...@gmail.com writes:
> Hi Jeanie,
> I'm not the warrior here because I have already gone through all of this.
> If anyone is a warrior here it is you and Millie and all the rest of the
> people with this disease. You are fighting and winning, and that is what
> this is all about isn't it?
> I read through all of the posts here and on other sites as well, and every
> one of them are warriors.
> I had to start on dialysis a little over one year ago. My kidneys have
> been failing for several years because of several factors. One being all of
> the radiation and chemotherapy I had almost twenty three years ago for my
> bone marrow transplant. Also as ageing comes about your kidneys become less
> effective. Not that I am an old "fart" but non the less it just happens.
> Who really knows, it could have been caused by many things but that is
> what I have, and I will just have to deal with it just as all of you have
> to deal with your problems. The trick to dealing with anything is to just
> accept it and simply go on with your life. No one ever said that life is a
> bowl of cherries.
> What actually brought my kidney failure was that my community puts down
> mulch around the houses here and there are always some bags left over that
> they leave in front of the garages. Since I have some property behind my
> home I decided to take and put that extra mulch there. Two days later I had
> a 104 fever and had to go to the hospital. I had double pneumonia and had
> to be in the hospital for three weeks. It was at that time my kidneys said
> "good bye" and I was started on dialysis while in the hospital.
> Maybe it also had something to do with my job and the fact that when I
> lived in Staten Island and there was an explosion of a benzine storage tank
> across the Author Kill River in New Jersey that carried burnt benzine
> across the water way and deposited it om my house and cars. About two
> months after I was diagnosed with CML, and I later found out that several
> of my neighbors were also "catering" to this disease called CML.
> I am now on three waiting kidney transplant lists just waiting for
> something to come about. I also have two potential live donors but even
> with that it is still a very complicated waiting game. They may or may not
> be a match for me but it takes a lot of time to get everything in order.
> One of my problems is that I was born with O+ blood type, and when I had
> my bone marrow transplant my donor had B+ blood type. So, now my blood type
> is B+. I am what is called a Chimera. Two different "people" living in my
> body.
> I always try to look at some humor in my life, it just keeps me going I
> guess... So, what will happen if and when I get that kidney transplant? Do
> you think there will be enough room in me for another "person" living
> inside of me or am I just going to explode? [?][?][?]
> I would like to wish you and everyone here a very HEALTHY and happy
> holiday season. May your upcoming year be better then it has been.
> I also add my usual 18's to everyone.
> Marty
> On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 4:43 PM, <icandoall...@aol.com> wrote:
>> **
>> Happy Holidays Marty,
>> Can you tell us again about your dialysis and why you are on it?  Good
>> luck to you in the coming year; you are truly a warrior; and Millie also.
>> Jeanie<3
>>  In a message dated 12/10/2012 11:10:40 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,
>> ho...@ptd.net writes:
>> *Hello again, Marty,*
>> **
>> *I'm taking a short break from decorating for the season.  I am about
>> done.  It takes me a while to do little things, but in the end, I
>> accomplish it.*
>> **
>> *Yes, I know that you're on dialysis and are a very strong individual.
>> I have always tried to be, but we all have our days when it doesn't work.
>> I always say that I kick myself in the rear when I get depressed, but it's
>> getting impossible for my legs to do that.....:>)))  I do try very hard to
>> look at the bright side of life.*
>> **
>> *Today I have work to finish up for our quilt guild, so I plan on doing
>> that.  I just keep plugging along like the turtle and in the end surprise
>> myself at what I can do.*
>> **
>> *You have a wonderful day and know that you are admired by many CMLers.
>> Your attitude is always uplifting.*
>> *Millie*
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