Hi all - Dr. Jorge Cortes, one of the world's foremost CML experts,
discusses new treatment options for CML and his thoughts about future
directions in a new article for a physician publication from MD
Anderson Cancer Center which is focused on current research and
patient care advances.

Pat Elliott
CML patient and advocate

OncoLog, March 2013, Vol. 58, No. 3

New Drugs Increase Treatment Options for Patients with Imatinib-
Resistant Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

By Zach Bohannan

In the past year, several new targeted drugs have been approved as
second-line treatments for imatinib-resistant chronic myeloid leukemia
(CML). These drugs include the second-generation tyrosine kinase
inhibitor bosutinib and the third-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitor
ponatinib, which may change the standard of care for CML.

CML treatment

CML is caused by the BCR-ABL fusion protein, a result of the
Philadelphia chromosomal translocation. The prevalence of this protein
makes CML ideal for treatment using targeted therapies. For many years
now, imatinib, one of the first and most successful targeted
antineoplastic agents, has been the first-line treatment for CML.
“Most CML patients are diagnosed in what we call the chronic phase,
which does not carry any recognizable drug-resistant mutations in BCR-
ABL, so imatinib usually works very well at first,” said Jorge Cortes,
M.D., a professor in the Department of Leukemia at The University of
Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

The main goal of CML treatment is a complete cytogenetic response,
meaning an absence of detectable Philadelphia translocations in the
bone marrow. Many patients treated with imatinib have complete
responses, but the subset of patients who do not are then moved to a
second-line treatment. Thus, there is interest in developing second-
line therapies for imatinib-resistant CML, and several drugs are
currently under investigation or have recently been approved by the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration for this purpose.


Because ABL is a tyrosine kinase, most candidates for second-line CML
treatment are tyrosine kinase inhibitors, which include dasatinib,
bosutinib, and ponatinib. Bosutinib is among the most promising of
these drugs. It is generally considered more potent than imatinib, and
it can overcome several of the mutations that render CML resistant to

The side effects of bosutinib are less severe—and most are less common—
than those of some other tyrosine kinase inhibitors because bosutinib
has less effect on the development of normal blood cells. For example,
nilotinib, dasatinib, and several other tyrosine kinase inhibitors
also inhibit growth factor receptors such as c-KIT and platelet-
derived growth factor receptor. These receptors are important for the
normal development of certain myeloid cell types. Bosutinib, however,
does not affect these receptors as strongly as many other tyrosine
kinase inhibitors and thus causes lower rates of neutropenia and
thrombocytopenia than do nilotinib and dasatinib. Similarly, bosutinib
causes lower rates of cardiotoxicity and pancreatitis than other
second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors that are approved for
treating imatinib-resistant CML. Conversely, some side effects might
be more common with bosutinib.

This lack of significant side effects is one reason bosutinib is so
attractive. However, Dr. Cortes said, “Although all tyrosine kinase
inhibitors are very safe compared with most other chemotherapies,
there can still be adverse events, and doctors should explain and
discuss possible side effects with patients.” The primary side effect
associated with bosutinib is diarrhea, which can occur in up to 80% of
patients. However, this is usually minor and manageable.

Although bosutinib is superior to many other possible treatments for
CML, it is not effective for all patients. For example, the T315I
point mutation that can occur in the BCR-ABL gene renders CML
resistant to imatinib, bosutinib, and most other tyrosine kinase


Ponatinib is a very potent tyrosine kinase inhibitor that was
specifically designed to treat the T315I point mutation while
maintaining efficacy against all other known BCR-ABL permutations.
Although ponatinib has many of the same side effects as other tyrosine
kinase inhibitors, its ability to treat a previously intractable
mutation makes it very promising. Because it is very effective against
T315I-mutated BCR-ABL and in patients who have not responded to
multiple other tyrosine kinase inhibitors, ponatinib was recently
approved as a second-line treatment for CML patients.

New first-line therapy?

Stem cell transplant: offers curative potential but with greater risks
compared to therapy with tyrosine kinase inhibitors; seldom used as
initial therapy but considered for patients who have not responded
well to other therapies.

Because bosutinib shows so many benefits over other tyrosine kinase
inhibitors, Dr. Cortes conducted some preliminary research into its
use as a first-line therapy for CML. The initial research set out to
determine whether bosutinib would offer a better cytogenetic and
molecular response rate than imatinib. Dr. Cortes said, “We found that
bosutinib and imatinib have similar cytogenetic response rates, so the
primary endpoint of the study was inconclusive. However, in many of
the other measures examined, such as the number of adverse events,
bosutinib was superior.”

Another notable finding of that study was that bosutinib caused a
complete cytogenetic response faster than imatinib did. Many studies
have shown that speed of response has a major effect on long-term
survival for CML patients. However, much more research, some of which
is ongoing, will be needed before bosutinib can be recommended or
officially adopted as the gold standard for CML treatment.

Ponatinib also is being studied as a first-line treatment. In an
ongoing phase II clinical trial, Dr. Cortes and his colleagues are
evaluating the drug’s effectiveness in patients with previously
untreated chronic-phase CML. Laboratory data suggesting that it is
difficult to induce ponatinib resistance makes ponatinib an attractive
treatment option that could reduce the probability of acquiring
resistance and thus improve the long-term outcome.

Future directions and challenges

CML patients require frequent monitoring to ensure their disease does
not recur, and many patients remain in fear that their CML will return
with a mutation that renders it resistant to currently available
treatments. However, the recent approval of ponatinib and omacetaxine
(a translation inhibitor also found to be active against CML) means
that these mutations may prove to be less of a threat in the future.

One problem inherent in any CML treatment is that there is no way to
determine whether a patient has been cured. Patients who achieve a
complete cytogenetic response may undergo more sensitive molecular
testing. A complete molecular response, defined as the absence of
detectable BCR-ABL transcripts, is the best possible outcome a
physician can assess for a CML patient, but there is still no way of
knowing if the CML has been completely eliminated because even
molecular tests have a limit of detection. “To completely cure CML, we
need to develop other therapeutic options and better testing for
residual disease,” Dr. Cortes said. “Right now, the best I can tell
patients is, ‘I don’t see it (the leukemia),’ which is different from,
‘It’s gone.’” He believes that once a more powerful test is developed,
tyrosine kinase inhibitors will probably need to be combined with
another therapy to cure CML patients. The most likely therapy to
combine with tyrosine kinase inhibition is stem cell transplantation.

However, until more powerful tests are developed, doctors will
continue to treat CML as a chronic disease, which means that many
patients will receive life-long targeted therapy, whether it is
imatinib or sequential treatment with multiple tyrosine kinase
inhibitors as the disease mutates.

Current Treatments for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

Imatinib: tyrosine kinase inhibitor approved by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration as a first-line treatment for chronic myeloid leukemia
(CML); often successful

Dasatinib: second-line tyrosine kinase inhibitor for some imatinib-
resistant mutants

Bosutinib: second-line tyrosine kinase inhibitor for some imatinib-
resistant mutants

Nilotinib: second-line tyrosine kinase inhibitor; slightly modified
version of imatinib

Omacetaxine: alkaloid translation inhibitor for treating T315I-mutant

Ponatinib: second- or third-line tyrosine kinase inhibitor for
treating T315I-mutant CML

Stem cell transplant: offers curative potential but with greater risks
compared to therapy with tyrosine kinase inhibitors; seldom used as
initial therapy but considered for patients who have not responded
well to other therapies.

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