Thanks and hats off to Marty and Millie.  I realize I am no different, believe 
me.  You guys haven't heard much about my life, and maybe I won't bore you with 
details today.  But I do stay busy now doing the things I love.  I just was 
slightly paralyzed about getting going to a specialist.  I knew I must do that, 
and have researched many around the country over the years.  A good kick in the 
butt by you blood brothers and sisters was exactly what I needed.  

I earned my theology degree at age 52 (year 2000), in Florida before we 
returned here to Indiana in 2010.  Before moving to Fla., I also have done a 
lot of counseling to lay people and training of leaders over the years in the 
Christian element.  Did a lot of public speaking for seventeen years within a 
parachurch organization.  Worked for eleven years at what I called a "social 
service agency" within a large church.  I coordinated all the volunteers to go 
to nursing homes, prisons, juvenile detention facilities, etc.  Planned 3 or 4 
trips a year to raise money for all this.  Also had a list of shut-ins that we 
ministered to regularly. Did visitation to the hospitals as well.  Still do 
that!  The best part was giving food to the poor through the church. I couldn't 
wait to go to work each day!  After that time period ended in my life I was 
still very active going on mission trips, conducting weekend marriage seminars, 
and marriage classes.  Had gone into selling advertising for Christian 
organizations to make my living after the church thing was done.  Now I do a 
lot of studying and hope to develop some teaching classes at our church, etc.  
I coordinate the prayer team at our church as well, and send out prayer 
requests by e-mail for two organizations.  As I told Marcie, I love Israel and 
support them in any way I can.  Sometimes our house also becomes a hotel as our 
friends and family pop in and out.  

So that's what keeps me busy, and other family things as well.  To begin going 
back to doctors regularly again is beyond fun to think about, but the 
alternative is simply not acceptable.  I really do thank God every day for each 
day and love Celebrating My Life!!!

Oh, by the way, I asked Dr. Pinilla through e-mail about the vaccine he was 
working on, but he only answered me about his recommendation of medication and 
two docs he recommended.  I guess I asked him too many questions for him to 
answer.....totally understandable.

Thanks again for all the encouragement,
Susan F. Zimmerman
"Look among the nations and watch; be utterly astounded!  For I will work a 
work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told you."  Hab. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Marty Gartenberg <>
To: cmlhope <>
Sent: Sat, Jul 20, 2013 4:38 pm
Subject: Re: [CMLHope] Re: Hi

Hi Susan, 

Sure you may have your problems but the important thing is that you have 
decided to try and do something about them. You are no different then anyone 
else. Sometimes we just go through so much that we are terribly frightened to 
do anything about them because anything that is of the unknown always seems to 
frighten us. 

I want to tell you that you, Millie, Richard, Greenie and all of the rest of 
those even on different CML sites that are suffering from CML would probably 
not be here right now if it weren't for the TKI's that are out there now. 

You will see, mark my words, that there will be something coming soon that will 
rid you and everyone else of this terrible disease just like when the Polio 
vaccine got rid of Polio. Just like Penicillin and all of the rest of the 
antibiotics help with curing infections.

I think that we all should take an example from Millie. She may have some 
debilitating things going on but she still keeps herself busy with making her 
pillow cases and shams and the like. She says that it is nuts, but is it really?

She further says that, and I quote her exact words: "I know it's nuts, but 
doing these things, keeps me going (like the energizer bunny) and takes my mind 
off of everything else."   

Enough said judge for yourself. Get doing things that you like, I guarantee 
that it will make you feel better. 
I always say that your mind is a very powerful tool, you just have to learn to 
use it in constructive ways. 

Now I'm not saying that it is going to cure you of any disease but you will 
feel better when your doing something that you enjoy. Isn't that what life is 
all about?

Busy hands make happy minds.



On Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 4:06 PM, C.M. Houtz <> wrote:

Hi Susan,
I'm glad that you are going to get some help with your issues.  I know that 
once you deal with them, it will make your life so much easier.  I know that I 
feel that dealing with my liver problem is so much better then not knowing and 
worrying all of the time.  We all face a lot of things with this CML.  It's 
different, but the same because we all have to deal with what is.  If we had a 
choice, it wouldn't be to have these problems, but here we are....and you are 
right, connecting with others going through similar things helps us all.  Right 
now, I'm worried about being on a forced vacation from my Tasigna, but have no 
choice until my Doctor can come up with something.  I know that he will.  I 
have such faith in this man and he has always come through for me.  My other 
health issues are getting worse, but am trying to deal with them too.  Marty 
always inspires me as I know that he's going through so much and still has such 
a positive attitude.  I try, and usually succeed in doing that.  When I get 
down, I try to think about all of my CML friends who are dealing with so many 
things..and know that each day I have is precious and that's always been 
something I try to remember.  I try to take each day as it comes and be the 
happiest I can be and do things that make me happy.  Today has been a rough 
one.....Mostly pain in the left side of the middle section of my back radiating 
around to the side.  I just couldn't get rid of the pain, and ended up back in 
bed with pain meds and put heat on it.  Usually, laying down will ease it some. 
 They (the doctors) don't seem to know what's causing it.  My Oncologist seems 
to think it's my gall, but the others don't agree.  I think he could be 
correct.  To bad he isn't the one to make that decision.  Today the pain came 
clear around to the front and I had to deal with it.  I finally gave up and 
took a shower, came down, ate a little and took my pain meds again.  I'm 
feeling  better now, and will just go on and do something I like to do....
I finished one pillow case last night, but need to see if I have any white 
crochet thread to make an edging on it.  I have a quilt done in blues, white, 
and yellow....that I only use for good.  I am making these pillow cases to go 
with that, and have shams to finish up for it too.  I know it's nuts, but doing 
these things, keeps me going (like the energizer bunny) and takes my mind off 
of everything else.
You take care, my friend.  I know that you're dealing with so much, so keep us 
informed.  Our love, prayers, and hugs are coming your way.  Millie

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