I made it to the lab and had my blood work done.  I think I'm good for a month, 
so that is a good thing.  She had to take so much blood, but left me a little.  
I think it was 9 or 10 tubes today.  I stopped counting and looking.  It was 
for my Family Doctor and my Oncologist, so now it's done.  I wasn't sure I was 
going to make it when I got up as my left hip is giving me fits today and that 
leg doesn't want to work....but I figured tomorrow might be worse, so I just 
told my self that I could do it, and did.  After wards Chris took me to the 
local diner for lunch ..  That was a good thing.  At any rate, I made it so 
far, and now am very tired as I didn't sleep well last night.  I think I'll go 
lay down for a while and see if I can sleep for a while.  

Yes, we are here for each other.  I don't really know what I'd do without you 
and the others.  You all give me strength to get through whatever is happening 
at any given time.   You keep me positive.  I use to kick myself in the behind 
when I got down, but can't get my leg up high enough any more. :>) 

You take care.  I hope the warm weather has come back to sunny Florida.  We're 
going to have more bad weather next week from what I'm hearing.  I'll just stay 
in the house.  

Hugs and 18's 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Marty Gartenberg 
  To: cmlhope@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2014 8:21 AM
  Subject: Re: [CMLHope] pain and hunger Millie

  Dear Millie,

  I hope your blood work goes well. You know something Millie? Well, that is we 
are all here for each other...



  On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 8:00 AM, houtz <ho...@ptd.net> wrote:

    Thanks so much for thinking of me.  I've had a couple of rough days and 
this helped a lot.  You are so sweet to think about me.  I'll write more later. 
 I must go for blood work today so I won't be on until later.  You have a great 
day, my friend.   I wouldn't trade my friendship with you or the others for 
    Lots of hugs, and 18's,


    ----- Original Message -----

    From: Marty Gartenberg <wa2...@gmail.com>
    To: cmlhope@googlegroups.com
    Sent: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 21:47:38 -0500 (EST)
    Subject: Re: [CMLHope] pain and hunger Millie

    Hi Millie,

    Here is a little present for you.





    On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 9:51 AM, C.M. Houtz <ho...@ptd.net> wrote:

    >  Hi Joyce,
    > I'm not even sure if the Tasigna is causing the food thing, but it's there
    > and I don't understand it at all.  The past couple of days I've been able
    > to eat some hot things without problems, so go figure because I can't.
    > I'll be hungry and start to eat, and after a couple of bites just don't
    > want to continue.  If I ever figure it out, I'll let you know.  It's just
    > one of those stupid things.
    > Stay warm  today.  I can hardly wait for Spring to come.  It is about 7
    > degrees out right now, and that's cold enough for me.  I must go out
    > tomorrow and get blood work done.  I hate the thoughts, but it's suppose 
    > be a little warmer, so maybe it won't be so bad.
    > Hugs...Millie
    > ----- Original Message -----

    > *From:* Joyce Mesnarich <joy...@htc.net>
    > *To:* cmlhope@googlegroups.com
    > *Sent:* Wednesday, January 29, 2014 1:29 AM
    > *Subject:* Re: [CMLHope] pain and hunger Millie

    > Millie,
    > It is really quite weird what these drugs do to different people.  I've
    > never heard anyone else say hot foods turn them off, but cold is fine.  I
    > certainly believe you.  Just saying how crazy some of these side effects
    > are.  Wayne does not have the joint pain that you and so many other TKI
    > takers have.  He knows that he is very fortunate to only have the few
    > problems he does.....colon,  and he has a skin condition on his head, neck
    > and arms resulting in painful pimple-like lesions.
    > You have a very good attitude....take one day at a time.  We always say we
    > are thankful for every day we have with each other.
    > Stay warm.
    >          Joyce in IL
    >  On Jan 25, 2014, at 5:38 PM, C.M. Houtz wrote:
    >  Joyce....This is Millie.  I just read your message and thought I'd put
    > my two cents worth in.  I'm not on Sprycel, but think that the Tasigna
    > works the same way.  I'm not sure.  I was loosing weight like crazy, which
    > I could afford to do, but now am having the same problem you're husband  
    > having.   It's odd that I can eat cold things, and it doesn't bother me,
    > but hot things turn me off.  I will want to eat my meals, but just pick 
    > then a couple of hours later I'm eating chips and dip, sherbet, anything
    > that's cold.  I shouldn't have half of what I'm munching on, but that's
    > what it is.  The doctor said for me to eat Greek Yogurt and so I eat that.
    > She also said to drink smoothies, and I do that too.  I only will have one
    > or the other for breakfast.  I still have half of my smoothie from
    > breakfast, ate no lunch, and am working on supper right now.  I also have
    > constipation and once in a while the opposite, but not to often.  The
    > doctor has me on something to make me go, and I take it when need be.  Yes
    > , these drugs do plenty to us, but there isn't much of a choice.  My
    > suggestion is to keep healthy snacks in the house and that might work.  I 
love to have fruit and stuff like that, but also have things that aren't so
    > good for me.  I know that I've gained weight over the holidays, and have 
    > get it off.  I really will  work on that and hope that you're husband is
    > successful doing the same.  My joints and muscles, etc. are keeping me in
    > such pain.  Does he have any of that?  There are so many that experience
    > terrible side effects, so some of us are lucky.  I just take one day at a
    > time, and pray that it will work out.
    > You take care.  I think you have a difficult job taking care of him.  Not
    > knowing what to do is difficult.  I know what to do, I'm just not doing 
    > Hugs,
    > Millie
    > ----- Original Message -----

    > *From:* Joyce Mesnarich <joy...@htc.net>
    > *To:* cmlhope@googlegroups.com
    > *Sent:* Saturday, January 25, 2014 4:57 PM
    > *Subject:* Re: [CMLHope] pain and hunger Millie

    > Jeanie,
    > Hunger!!!  My hubby, who is the CML patient, is constantly hungry and we
    > think it is the Sprycel.  When he was on Gleevec he was not hungry.  Now 2
    > hours after he eats he is ready for more.  He has gained weight which in
    > his case is NOT good.  He also has colon problems.....constipation 
    > by loose bowels.  This occurs over and over in a kind of cycle.  We are
    > just thankful that those seem to be the only bad side effects he has.  We
    > wonder what these strong drugs may be doing to his organs that we are not
    > yet aware of.  But thankful always that there are such drugs.
    > Enjoy your sunny Florida.  Our weather has never been so unsettled in all
    > my long years!  Makes 20 degree changes within 12 hours.
    >        Joyce in IL
    >  On Jan 25, 2014, at 9:41 AM, icandoall...@aol.com wrote:
    >  Hi Millie, Stay warm.  Here in sunny FL we have had the heat on for
    > days.  It usually warms up during the day but lately the cold has set in.
    > Oh well, we will soon be complaining it's too hot hehe.
    > My pain has also been bad, but other than having more test, I don't see
    > how to fix it.  The test show up things, but the doctor doesn't really 
    > an answer for me.
    > I'll be going on the 3rd next month for blood work and all.  Will address
    > the pain again with him.
    > I think pain seems to get worse at night.  I'm so sorry you can't sleep.
    > I have had insomnia most of my adult life, and take a pill to put me to
    > sleep.  It works but you aren't suppose to take them long term.  When you
    > are my age, who knows what long term means hehe.
    > I have this hunger thing, and it seems I'm hungry all the time.  I try to
    > have crackers or something to delay the hunger until meal times.  Does
    > anyone else have that on Sprycel?
    > I believe Greenie metioned takeing a small part of a Phenergan tablet for
    > sleep.
    > We all have to do what we have to do.
    > I used to sleep and dream so wonderfully before these drugs.
    > Keep cooking Millie, and eat some for me.
    > Jeanie<3
    >  In a message dated 1/23/2014 7:14:07 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
    > ho...@ptd.net writes:
    > Hi Marty,
    > My fingers are to cold to type, Marty.  It is so cold, it just goes
    > through you.  I think the high was around 10 or 11 today and the low is
    > below 0, so I just stay in with a 2 quilt over me.  It's trying to get 
    > to you.  I guess that the Canaries are in the house as it's probably way 
    > cold for them to be outside.  Other then the cold, everything else is 
    > the same.  I just get through the pain and keep on going.  I didn't sleep
    > well last night and was on the computer a lot.  I thought about writing to
    > you, but didn't e-mail anyone.  I mostly played games and read recipes.
    > Things that normally would put me to sleep.  It didn't though, so at 5:30 
    > was up after only sleeping an  hour as the lady that cleans for me was
    > coming at 8:00 A.M. and I wanted to get a shower, etc.  Trudy (my cleaning
    > lady) helped me hook up the external drive I bought to put my photo's on.
    > I was so confused, but she's really good at it, so we worked together and
    > got some of them transferred.  It's going to be a job for days as I have 
    > delete some.  I must have dozens of photo's that are duplicated
    > everywhere.  I'm going to back it up on disks, and try to get this 
    > back in shape.  It's a real mess and the guy that has been working on my
    > computers for years seems to be messing it up.  Long story, and I won't go
    > into it, but the short story is that rather then fix the problem, he adds
    > on other stuff to use instead of Windows.  I'm not going to do that.  I
    > just have to empty most of the stuff from here and clean it up.  After
    > that, if it's not running right, I'll have to find someone to help me.
    > Some photo's I have are way over 100 years old of family, and they're ones
    > that family have had and sent to me, so they're the only copies and I want
    > to put those in a safe place.  Well, I've run on long enough.  I just
    > wanted you to know that you are thought of.  I figured you were taking a
    > vacation from us :>))))  Hope that you're doing well, my friend.
    > Hugs Millie....some 18's too.
    > ----- Original Message -----

    > *From:* Marty Gartenberg <wa2...@gmail.com>
    > *To:* CMLHope@googlegroups.com
    > *Sent:* Thursday, January 23, 2014 6:23 PM
    > *Subject:* [CMLHope] Hope that everyone is doing well

    > Hi I hope that everyone is doing well. I haven't seen anyone posting in a
    > long time.
    > 18's,
    > Marty
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