Hi Sue,

Of course I wouldn't mind. I first started this in trying to share to of
our members especially the "new-bees" and I am praying that a lot more
become members of the group that Zavie first started.



I am also sending Marty a Zavie Zero List that we currently have so he can
share with you guys if you request from him

On Sun, May 1, 2016 at 10:37 AM, Sue <hol...@iinet.net.au> wrote:

> Hi All
> Thank you for the support of finding Zavie Miller Zero Number Participants
> What great success we have had
> From Number 1 [Marty G] to No 1381 Alison ? from the UK
> Ms Fran Mauri Comment in 2010
> 1366 Entries (zero number presentations)
>  947 valid Email Addresses
>  260 Invalid Email Addresses [European Addresses?]
> 149 No email Addresses
> ________________________________________________________________
> From 2010 to 2011 there were 9 Zero numbers presented to # 1375
> From 2011 to 2012 there were 6 Zero number presented to # 1381
> # 1381 is the last Number of the Zavie Zero Club  Member List
> "
> Colour code :                     Member is deceased
> Administrator
>                                                 Same person/2
> numbers
>                                                 2 names for same
> number
>                                                 Number checked on
> web
>                                                 Entry in red
>                                                 Info to be checked
> Even though there are 1381 Zero Numbers
> We have been able to find and verify and cross check 1000 presentations as
> being correct
> Some names such as Alison – we have not been able to find her surname –
> but have info that this is the last number
> We have the facebook page -
> https://www.facebook.com/groups/1673390782910601/
> We have four adminstrators from around the world (Two in Australia) (one
> in France) (one from the UK)
> We also have a Registrar and keeper of the Zavie Zero List – we are still
> updating – with new surnames, people who have passed, where people are now
> living
> Also the facebook page is able to reconnect people with each other –
> The Zavie Miller Zero List has been downloaded on a file from this page
> We are vetting any new members to the page to ensure they have CML and a
> Zavie  number
> I am also sending Marty a Zavie Zero List that we currently have so he can
> share with you guys if you request from him
> Other than that – please join facebook link attached
> Sue Hurt
> #1197
> *From:* cmlhope@googlegroups.com [mailto:cmlhope@googlegroups.com]
> *Sent:* Sunday, 1 May 2016 6:21 PM
> *To:* Digest recipients <cmlhope@googlegroups.com>
> *Subject:* [CMLHope] Digest for cmlhope@googlegroups.com - 7 updates in 3
> topics
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> ·         Zavie's Zero Club.xls <#m_-2080131056668791499_group_thread_0>
> - 2 Updates
> ·         Our son Alan Sago <#m_-2080131056668791499_group_thread_1> - 3
> Updates
> ·         Prayers are offered. <#m_-2080131056668791499_group_thread_2> - 2
> Updates
> Zavie's Zero Club.xls
> <http://groups.google.com/group/cmlhope/t/cb7384fbaba8c8a7?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> Marty Gartenberg <wa2...@gmail.com>: Apr 30 12:36PM -0400
> So Joyce, you say that "I just don’t have anything worth reporting" Well
> you just did. A family all getting together especially a now member of your
> family who you haven't seen as yet.
> A lot to think about isn't it?💟
> 18's,
> Marty
> .
> Marcie Goodman <margoo...@aol.com>: Apr 30 06:26PM -0400
> Susan, the feelings are very mutual. You are an inspiration to me. I am
> indeed blessed with a wonderful support system. Hoping that Monday or
> Tuesday my husband will head to inpatient rehab. He's a good patient, never
> complains and is so gracious and kind. The nurses love him and go out of
> their way to ensure he is comfortable and taken care of. I expect there
> will be bumps in the road ahead but nothing we can't get through together.
> Just like you and Roy and all of our dear friends on this site!
> Much love, Marcie
> Sent from my iPhone
> Back to top <#m_-2080131056668791499_digest_top>
> Our son Alan Sago
> <http://groups.google.com/group/cmlhope/t/e439a90bcd00102c?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> Jim Sago <jas...@yahoo.com>: Apr 30 05:40AM -0700
> Alan has CML since September of 2001 and is doing well with Glevleec (I'm
> not sure of the spelling). I joined this group shortly after that and have
> mostly just read the post. Alan is Zavie's number 524. He has been very
> lucky to have little or no side effects from the drug and has been on 400
> daily. It was started after he failed with about 7 miserable months with
> chemo injections. Night sweats, fever, nausua, cramps, and on and on. He
> became so depressed and his personality changed from a sweet boy to the
> point that one might fear for the safety of a Grizzely bear left alone
> with
> him. Then came the permission to try the new drug. I think it was called
> STsome number and later named gleveec. He stopped all treatment for two
> weeks and then started the oral pill. Wow, the symptoms stopped. In 6
> months little or no phillys in the blood and in a year little or none in
> the bone marrow. After two years none detectable in the marrow. Twice he
> saved cells for marrow transplant; but, was doing so well with the oral
> pill that he did not have the transplant. We think the CML is as good as
> can be expected and the doctors in Cleveland tell him that his CML would
> not even be found by a doctor if they were not told of it. No more bone
> marrow samples and apparent smooth sailing future.
> In late 2013 he reported a sore on his tongue to his dentist. It was
> ignored. Later, because of pain he demanded a biopsy and it came back
> cancer. He then saw a cancer specialist in oral cancer and it was
> determined that he need a major surgery very soon. On Jan 2014 three
> surgeons removed about a third of his tongue and about 3 by 4 inches of
> the
> right inside of his throat. They used a large area of his left inner
> forearm muscle, circulatory and nerves to rebuild the removed tumor. The
> forearm wound (it looked like a shark bite) had to be covered by skin from
> his thigh. He had a trach tube and feeding tube when he was released from
> the hospital. Much to our surprise he could speak when the tube opening
> was blocked with his hand. It was poor - but we could understand him. The
> trach tube was removed a couple of months later and the feeding tube was
> moved to directly enter the stomach. He could talk but not eat. About a
> month after the surgery he was given 60 targeted radiation treatments to
> the mouth and throat. Now he has been stated to be cancer free in the
> mouth and throat. After about a year more the feeding tube was removed and
> he now survives on Ensure and some soft mushy foods that it is very
> difficult to get the tongue to process correctly. He was strong enough to
> go back to work last June and is still working.
> The radiation destroyed his saliva glands and his mouth needs extensive
> repair to allow better speech and feeding. Even though the medical
> treatment caused the mouth damage - INSURANCE WILL NOT COVER THE NEEDED
> MOUTH REPAIR as it is consider a dental problem. The repair is estimated
> to cost up to $20,000 out of pocket. The to date medical and care expenses
> have been overwhelming.
> My wife and I are retired and living with SSI and consuming what we were
> able to save with our living and helping him as much as we can. Two days
> ago I started a GoFundMe campaign to try to get money for his mouth
> repair. Please consider prayers for him and his mouth repairs to heal. If
> you are interested in viewing the funding page or chose to donate anything
> the page is *gofundme.com/2w8gspvw*. There are pictures and more details
> there. The fund seems to be a good beginning as it has already received
> almost $2000.00 from our friends on Facebook and them sharing it on their
> friends pages.
> I hope that I am not breaking any rules of the group to report this
> information.
> Thanks for any consideration. Especially the prayers and the donations if
> any will be sincerely appreciated.
> Jim (78yrs) and Judy (73rs) Sago
> Marty Gartenberg <wa2...@gmail.com>: Apr 30 12:26PM -0400
> Hi Jim,
> I am truly sorry to hear of your son's problems and I know that they will
> get better. I am sending a prayer for him. To explain, I had a bone marrow
> transplant way back in 1989 as well as removing my spleen and many more
> problems followed almost twenty years afterwards but I have dealt with all
> of them including my kidneys failing and on dialysis for four years then
> finally getting a kidney transplant following a stroke two years later
> then a prostate operation then A severe MRSA infection then a CMV
> infection, then A-fibs that would make me faint so I now have a pacemaker
> and a whole lot of other drugs, as well as many other things.
> The reason that I am telling you this is because no matter how much you
> your wife and your son goes through, and some may be very difficult to go
> through you are still alive and you must enjoy each and every day of your
> lives because there is always a shining light in your paths.
> Now I know Zavie and his wife Ida very well and he actually gave me the
> first Zavie's zero hat marked number 1 and I still have it today.
> Zavie always believed that he was able to help other people with CML as I
> always did and still do today. By the way the drug that was discovered by
> Dr. Brian Druker was first caller STI-571 then when the FDA approved it,
> then was called Gleevec, but it is also called Gleevic in some of the
> countries "beyond the pond"
> Now this is the prayer I was talking about, It was pasted on the outside of
> the plastic bubble that I had to live in for seven months in the hospital
> by a friend of mine. So I am now passing it on to you so that you can read
> it every day of your life. Just look at what it and continues to do for
> me when ever I really need it.
> 18's, (meaning life)
> Marty
> On Sat, Apr 30, 2016 at 8:40 AM, 'Jim Sago' via CMLHope <
> Marcie Goodman <margoo...@aol.com>: Apr 30 06:19PM -0400
> Jim, God Bless to you and your family. Your son is lucky to have such
> loving and devoted parents.
> Marcie
> Sent from my iPhone
> Back to top <#m_-2080131056668791499_digest_top>
> Prayers are offered.
> <http://groups.google.com/group/cmlhope/t/8e2290e2ac226652?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> Marty Gartenberg <wa2...@gmail.com>: Apr 30 12:29PM -0400
> Just one thing to say Richard H. Your like the rock of Gibraltar.
> 18's to you!
> Marty
> Icandoallttc <icandoall...@aol.com>: Apr 30 04:58PM -0400
> I'm sorry too. With illness it's like taking one step forward and one step
> back. The good thing is that we are all still stepping.
> Our stories can be someone's uplift for the day.
> Let's hear from everyone and keep our stepping stone well.
> Each day is a treasure and God will see us through the rough ones. ❤️❤️
> My Motto: Faith and Pills❤️
> With 💗Jeanie 🐟🐟18,s Chi
> Dx 1/2004. CML Leukemia
> Started Gleevec 2/2004
> Started Tasigna 9/2009
> Started Sprycel 11/2009
> Started Ponatinib January 2015
> Dr Balducci Moffitt Cancer Center
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