Hi Susan, sorry your having these problems I know it can be  hard to deal 
with.  The next day I was sore from so much going on, lot's of  walking 
having to keep up with appointment, etc. then getting back to the  airport.  As 
they say hurry up and wait.  Dr. Altman is such a great  person I love her to 
death.  Always give her a hug with I see her.   Well nice to hear from you 
and please take care of yourself.
In a message dated 6/2/2016 10:34:28 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
cmlhope@googlegroups.com writes:

I'm glad you got to see our doc, Greenie! Sorry it was a hard  day... I bet 
today was better! How is all going? 
We are enjoying this spring season....up here in no. Indiana. I"m  
struggling without medicine. Got a bad eye bleed Sunday and a rash. Then  
fell off a top step of a stepstool and am bruised and sore. So very  
thankful nothing broken. Had all kinds of suggestions on fb re. bubble wrap,  
to keep me safe. A month ago my bcr/abl revealed 3.56. Been off med.  since 
Dec. 28th. Took another blood test today.  
I have much to be thankful for and just laying kinda low for  awhile. Dr. 
Altman is keeping in touch w me. I'm doing blood tests locally for  awhile. 
Blessings and 18's,

On Thursday, June 2, 2016  Myvety2k via CMLHope <cmlhope@googlegroups.com>  

Hi Group,  Well I awoke at 3 a.m. to get ready to fly  to Chicago to see 
Dr. Altman, get my blood work, etc. and fly home.  But  when I got to the 
airport 2 hours early their was a line of about  100 young people that were on 
their way to Washington D. C.. My plane  came in 35 min. late after getting 
fuel we had mechanical problems and  that put us behind.  My appointment was 
at 10:15 and we arrived at 8:55  a.m. and my son picked me up and got me 
their on time.
Saw the Doctor, got my blood work which came back O. K. and  Derek picked 
me up and took me to the airport.  Another 2 1/2 wait to get  through.  Got 
ready to take off put their was a head count problem. Let's  say their was 
100 people aboard and the paper work showed 99. We had to  start over again 
and called each and every one to find out the problem and the  computer didn't 
read the persons ticket right, so took of 55 min. late.   Was up at 40 
thousand feet and ran in to clouds and turbulence so we dropped  down to 10 
thousand feet and a much smoother ride.  I used to be a  private pilot and I 
tell you it was like riding on a roller  coaster.
Well anyway he made up time on the way their but we ran into  thunderstorms 
and lightning so we circled and circled and circled until we had  to fly up 
to Tampa, FL. to refuel.  More time lost, took off again for  Fort Myers 
which took only 26 min. it's a 2 1/2 hour drive.  Landed many  hours late and 
instead of having my wife pick me up I took a taxi home for  $36.00.  They 
wouldn't let us text or call while we were on the plane so  my wife was 
worried sick.  She called Southwest to find out what  happened and gave them a 
piece of her mind. 
So life goes on and I home tired but as the song goes on (I  will survive).
Was a fun day,
In a message dated 6/1/2016 1:34:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
_argo9364@gmail.com_ (mailto:argo9...@gmail.com)  writes:


i'm Christina,  from Greece. I'm 52 years old  and i have been diagnosed in 
2009 when i was 45 years old. I  started  with Gleevec 400 mg every day for 
5 1/2 years, i was in recession for 3  years so  in 2015 my doctors said 
that i could try to  stop the  medicine. But after 3 months  my bcr-able  was 
2,3. So i started  tasigna 600 mg (300 mg in the morning and 300 mg in the 
evening). One year  after i'm in recession again (the latest 6 months i'm 
negative, bcr-able can  not be detected). I'm so happy for it and i feel 
great!!! But after 9 months  with tasigna  i get high LDL(175)  and 
(280)  and  a few pimples sebum ιn my arms. For the pimples i used an  
intensive exfoliating creme with olive.For the LDL i take care of my diet  
mediterranean diet, not junk food at all). My doctors told me that i  don' t 
need a medicine for the cholisterole yet. Only swimming in the sea.  
walking, good diet, good psychology and faith something like an holistic  
(like HIPPOCRATES said) to this problem. For me the Gleevec effects  where 
terrible (diarrhea, vomiting, blood -storms in my eyes ). I prefer  Tasigna 
and i take my risks. Maybe it would be a good idea to talk once  again with 
your doctors (dermatologist,hematologistic,  gynecologist).

best wishes 

thinking of  you



2016-05-31 4:27 GMT+03:00 kathy walls <_candles@originalsbykate.com_ 
(mailto:cand...@originalsbykate.com) >:

I'm still a newbie was diagnosed 1/9 and started tasigna on the 23rd,  oh 
yeah I'm lucky enough to have the ph chromosome to boot.  I  stopped tasigna 
in December because of horrible side effects, I got an  awful rash and 
cysts. Switched to Gleevev and I feel much better, but did  dr said at this 
i will never see remission.  I'm ok with  that.  Quality of like is much 
important to me than quantity.   I'm 56 I have  a 4 yr old grandson and  3 
month old grandson.  I'd much rather a little pep in my step than being in 
remission but to  sick to anything!  Just my thoughts. We all are fighting the 
same  fight each in our way
BEST TO ALL. -18's

Sent from my iPhone

On May 30, 2016, at 8:55 PM, Marty  Gartenberg <_wa2yyx@gmail.com_ 
(mailto:wa2...@gmail.com) >  wrote:

Yes Jeanie,

we are still all kicking! Jeanie what happened in the past  according to 
your oncologist about you being to old should remain in the  past and I will 
tell you why. I also want you to think about something  called BASHERT, which 
I have already mentioned many times. It's meaning  is it was meant to be. 
Sound familiar? I believe that things that are  meant to be are predestined. 

For instance this site, and everyone that reads it or posts on it  are 
meant to be because all of us are still kicking (as you said) and we  all share 
this disease called CML and let's not forget that. 

There are so many stories that surrounds us and every one of them  are 
meant to be. We all stand here and try help each other. Why?  it's because it 
meant to be. We give of each other, and also to  each other, and you know 
what I am talking about. It is all about  trying to live our lives the best 
way that we can.

Also, all of these new TKI's weren't they all predestined or if you  like, 
meant to be?  That is how I look at things, how about  you? And how about 
everyone else here? 

Why do you think I always end any of my posts with those two  numbers? 
18's, because it stands for life, and isn't that we have  now.



On Mon, May 30, 2016 at 5:41 PM, 'Jeanie' via  CMLHope 
<_cmlhope@googlegroups.com_ (mailto:cmlhope@googlegroups.com) > wrote:

Thank you so very much Marty. 
If I knew then what I knew today I think I would have
Had the transplant.  My onc at that time thought I
Was too old.  However I'm still alive and  kicking 
After 4 tkis.   I am sick; I can't seem to kick this  flu. 
Just resting after my vacation. 
I sure had a good time with family. 
Thanks for all as usual. 

Sent from my  iPhone

On May 30, 2016, at 4:57 PM, Marty Gartenberg <_wa2yyx@gmail.com_ 
(mailto:wa2...@gmail.com) > wrote:


Hi again Jeanie, 

I just spoke with my good friend Gloria today and I asked  her if she 
wouldn't mind for me to send you and the rest of the  group three of her 
pictures. One before her BMT, one during her BMT  and one about one year after 
BMT. She thought it was a very good  idea. She also mentioned that she would 
like to try getting onto  this CML site and introduce herself so please be 
on the lookout for  her. 

The main thing here is those pictures which proves that there  is life 
after a bone marrow transplant. Think about something  else... What about those 
1,286 people, including myself which now  makes it 1,287.



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