On Wed, 2002-10-30 at 14:24, Raju Mathur wrote:

> Ah, that's where we hit a bump each time.  I don't know of any CMS
> that allows the user to upload ONE file, converts it into MULTIPLE
> files (separate text and graphics, at least) in a different format and
> then treats those multiple files as one single entity.  

For the purposes of delivery across the web, graphics must be treated as
separate files from the html pages although most CMSs will allow you to
associate images with content when you're managing content separately
from the presentation so they can be managed as a unit.

In this case it seems that you're not quite doing that as the body text
is html and contains links to images that somehow must become meaningful
in the context of the site. I'm guessing that you also want to load the
images into the CMS so they can be managed through the same interface ?

I don't know any tools that allow this to happen automatically but you
might want to look at wvWare [ http://www.wvware.com/ ] which is, I
believe, the most complete of the open source Word format parsers. It
does turn images into web-ready graphics and you can probably wrap it in
something like perl to post process the output and import the images
into your CMS and munge the links in the document to suit.


Simon Wilcox.
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