Most CMS analyses draw "lessons learned" from failed or mediocre CMS
implementations.  This is not surprising -- as we all know, there have been
a lot of those to go around...

But I'd like to flip the coin over and examine *successful* CMS projects to
try to distill out common factors conducive to a good outcome.

In that vein, I would welcome hearing from CMS customers off-list who would
be willing to discuss particular WCM projects.  By "successful," I mean you,
the CMS manager, believe it was a success.  Am not interested in vendor case

Please just let me know if you'd be open to a follow-up e-mail and/or phone
exchange, under suitable non-disclosure terms. Complete results will be
shared with all participants, and a summary of the research made available
to the public.

Many thanks,

Tony Byrne
Founder, Managing Editor
Silver Spring, MD  USA
V: 301-585-7004
"Content Management Matters"

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